Monday, February 24, 2014

Children’s Vitamins For Health and Baby Steps For Success.

Products are the Business: Today Paulette talked about Melaleuca’s children’s vitamins Koala Pals and Shakeables. There is little difference, but there is SOME, Paulette tells all about it as well as, why good nutrition and a lot less sugar is critical to the proper physical, intellectual and emotional development of our kids.

Paulette attended the recent S.E.L.C. in Orlando and shared a new accommodation that the company will be making, when you have a preferred customer cancel very late in the month. Their cancellation will be immediate, but the cancellation will not be reflected in your business report ‘til the following month, allowing you to quickly replace them without affecting your personal Melaleuca status. 

She also shares all the fun that Frank treated all of the attendees to share at Universal Studios and throughout the meeting. Great reasons to increase your status and join in on the fun. 

Special guest Director IV Lisa Carvalho had a great conversation with Paulette and shared her story of enrolling, leaving, then coming back when she realized Melaleuca was a first choice, not a last hope. 

Lisa was incredibly genuine as she told us of her experiences of expelling the negative effect of her father (now passed) making her believe she would never amount to anything. 

Lisa said that one of her litmus tests was to find out if a new enrollee wanted a hobby or a business. She also related a conversation with Ed Bestoso where he asked if she was coachable and how she put that conversation into action.  She also shared a neat analogy how she asks her new enrollments where they see Melaleuca fitting in their life: are they walkers, joggers or runners. 

Paulette informs us of the nearly two years work that has been done on a Team Bestoso project, that was developed originally exclusively for Team Bestoso, but has been so good for so many that it will now be made available to anyone who is a member with a dream of a solid Melaleuca business. The link for more information is on this blog for you. A “don’t miss”.

Click here to download… 

Want to be part of MakeGreenGoGreen?

Team MakeGreen is offering you the chance to utilize the MGGG System! There are many components so be sure to take advantage of all of them.

Our Facebook page offers useful tips that you can share to peak interest for your online contacts

Please be sure to LIKE our Facebook page.

Once you register, you will be included in our mailing list that has useful email marketing information about your business. We also have a newsletter called On The Green Scene where we will continue posting useful info and celebrate success within our MakeGreen members.

To Enroll in the Makegreen System please follow this link

For an example of the homework assignement Paulette spoke of, please enter your email here

The following Overview was a training done with Eddie and Cisco to give a basic introduction to the program. Click Here

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Monday, February 17, 2014

Don’t Let Failing Give You An Acidic Stomach. 2 Cures, Here.

Products are the Business: This week Paulette discusses a “quiet” little product Calmacid. It's our antacid and does a great job, not only on acid stomach, but on nausea as well.

Our continuing incentives for February remain a gift card earned from Amazon and a Kindle Fire, in two different sizes that make your Delivering Wellness one-on-ones a breeze (particularly with Gen Ys) Don’t forget you have until the end of April to meet your Foundation Program requirements and get a $1000 bonus for you and your enroller.

This was a great week to be on the Leadership call. Paulette and Ed discussed failure and success in great detail, including the 4 things that you must have for success and the 7 things that failure is NOT. These are tremendous concepts that will make you a better business builder for hearing them.

Paulette’s “BOOK OF THE MONTH”, is “Failing Forward: Turning Mistakes Into Stepping Stones For Success” by John Maxwell. Once you hear what Ed and Paulette have to say about it, you'll see these principles will help you throughout your life.

100 days ‘til Convention 2014. Make it and it will make a difference.
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Wednesday, February 12, 2014


Hi there J

Did you know macula degeneration is the #1 cause of blindness in people over 50? And, did you know it can be delayed or prevented?

Melaleuca’s product NutraView is targeted nutrition for the eyes – kind of like eye insurance.  It contains the full therapeutic amount of lutein, Zeaxanthin along with other important antioxidants PLUS ours is the only Oligo delivered zinc anywhere.
Not only does it help to keep your eyes healthy it also helps reduce the blinding effects of glare from sunlight and nighttime driving.

If you’re taking the Vitality Total you’re covered – but if you’re not, please consider adding NutraView to your next shopping order--!!

In your new catalogue you can find all the info on page 88 or you can read all about it on the website.

Thank you again for shopping with Melaleuca and being my customer – I appreciate you.

Talk soon,

Monday, February 10, 2014

Healthy Vision, On Special And The Special Vision Of Our Healthy President.

Products are the Business: Today’s product discussion is about NutraVeiw, Melaleuca’s exceptional supplement for continuing eye health. It is a special this month at a considerable discount of $5. Paulette points out that, other than losing life itself, people’s fear of vision loss is paramount in young and old alike. She goes on with great detail about the function of the eye and how NutraVeiw provides the perfect nutrients to protect and even improve your vision health.

Incentives are still in play for February, they include the Amazon Gift Card, two Kindle Fire models and please don’t forget the final touches on your Foundation Program Activities and pick up the $1000 bonus for you and your enroller.

To celebrate our 200th Leadership Connection we were joined by McKay Christensen President of Melaleuca. He provided us with the business development segment. It was no “ordinary” call as Ed and Paulette offered questions to McKay about everything from the future vision of the company to the ups and downs of the current economy, as it relates to Melaleuca. McKay was extremely candid and informative on issues that included the strength of word of mouth referrals in both trial and long term brand use, the unique “participation management” style of Melaleuca and the increasing, fully funded budgets that Melaleuca is currently allocating to the technologies of the future. McKay’s insights are unique and this is a can’t miss LC. Listen to it and save it to share with everyone in your organization.

Paulette will be doing both the Wednesday and the Thursday Delivering Wellness webinars this week, so whether you are training or enrolling be sure to tune in. e-mail to arrange your meeting ID.
Click here to download…

Monday, February 3, 2014

Yummy Dieting And Tasty Business Tips.

Products are the Business: Today’s discussion is about one of this month’s specials: Attain Crave Blocker Bars (a delicious way to stay on your diet). It does just what the name says by acting in the stomach AND in the brain. Paulette explains the details of how they work.

This month’s incentives include the continuing “Foundation Program” that jumps the bonus of you AND your enroller to $1,000 for development to Director III. There is also an opportunity to receive a “Kindle Fire” to help you in your presentations and other fun. Listen here to get Paulette’s complete explanation, including Amazon gift cards for the apps you choose.

In our business development segment, Exec III, Stacy Fiske, capably replaced Ed who is flying to Idaho Falls. Stacy is in Heidi Bartolotta’s organization and has been one of those who was engaged, disengaged, and then re-engaged. Stacy got a renewed commitment after attending Convention. “It made a huge difference,“ in her “Melaleuca life”, to the tune of almost $800,000 in lifetime earnings. You will hear incredible energy and excitement from Stacy as she shares how she did it.

Join Cisco Holland on Thursdays @9p or Paulette on Wednesdays@8p for the Delivering Wellness webinar. Listen with your potential enrollments. E-mail for your personal webinar ID.
Click here to download…