Monday, March 25, 2013

Think About The Numbers!

Products Are the Business: Melamagic, an industrial strength cleaner that has been here forever! The combination of Melaleuca Oil and the natural solvents will clean in places where the harshest chemicals don’t work! Tim and Rhonda Campbell guest speak on today’s call. Rhonda tells us what is wrong with the High Tech “deals”…. The residual never comes. Listen to their story which converts the corporate life, to a life in balance with Melaleuca. Paulette and Eddie break down how developing leadership is what really pays. How would a thousand a month residual income help you?

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Monday, March 18, 2013

The 14 Point Team Plan

Products Are The Business: Stress is overwhelmingly common. Nutrition is a huge part of how your brain can maintain everyday stresses. Paulette teaches us the value of Luminex and the four main components which provides your brain the supporting needs to better handle stress.
Eddie and Paulette recap some of the training and announcements that happened last week at Executive Leadership Convention in Las Vegas. Some of the growth numbers are incredible!!! Be connected with your team. Be sure to listen in on the 14 point plan to develop yourself and your team over the next six months.

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Monday, March 11, 2013

The power of a Team!

Products Are The Business Segment: Paulette shares a story of a CURRENT customer, and friend who promoted EMERGEN”C” to her. Paulette outlines the importance of understanding our product Activate and why it is better than EmergenC and Airborne (the competition).
Everyone should be utilizing the power of a team. The largest team atmosphere you will every get is convention! Paulette and Eddie remind us all the power of the Convention and why it is crucial for you to be there. They also have a great segment on how to form a team if we don’t have one. They touch upon the activities we should be all participating in and the benefits that go along with them.

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Monday, March 4, 2013

Help your category 2 and 3's swing into action!

Products Are The Business Segment: So what dishwasher soap do your friends use? Paulette gives us a way to ask the question and gives us the knowledge about why Diamond Brite is such a better product then everything else out there.
We see a lot of people get stuck when it comes to helping a category 2 or 3’s get the ball rolling. In this segment Eddie and Paulette will review the 13 Hour Commitment to director. They educate on how to translate the “are you coachable” question you SHOULD be asking… into a safe introduction to the Pacesetter program. Help your new category 2 or 3’s swing into action with this call!

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