Monday, December 19, 2011

Stay Focused

Products Are The Business Segment: A great discussion and comparison of our Pain-A-Trate vs Ben Gay or Icy Hot.

Eddie and Paulette stress the amazing opportunity we have over the next two weeks to be setting appointments. People are taking stock and realizing things have not gotten better for them over this last year. We are reminded of some of the best language to use during this time.

Also this is a great time to revisit your personal “why” and update it as appropriate. Take time to set your 2012 short, medium and long term goals. Finally, find someone to team up with and have fun doing this together.

There will be no call on the Dec 26th so have a great holiday season and Eddie and Paulette will be back on Jan 2, 2012.

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Monday, December 12, 2011

Widen Your Net

Products Are The Business Segment: A great discussion on our Cell Wise product and its antioxidant protection.

Eddie and Paulette discuss how important it is to stay engaged throughout Dec. This momentum sustained in December is multiplied many times over beginning with the January launch and then throughout the first quarter of the year. People tend to evaluate their lives and progress at the end of the year and this provides a perfect opportunity to widen our net and help them out.

To assist us in maintaining our focus in December, Eddie and Paulette revisit the twelve steps to being a great coach. December is a particularly great time to emphasize items nine through twelve! Remember, 50% of the Corporate Directors in Melaleuca joined the company in December.

Click here to download…

Monday, December 5, 2011

The Time is Now

Eddie and Paulette are joined today by Melaleuca’s President, McKay Christensen. McKay lays out exactly where Melaleaca stands as a Consumer Products Manufacturer in the US AND where we are going. It is an incredible story and an exciting time to be building a business with Melaleuca. And while McKay can only hint to what is to be announced at the January Launch and then May Convention, he made it clear that big things are in the works, unusually big! This December is the time to stay focused and be positioned to ride the wave that Melaleuca is building for 2012.

Finally, Eddie and Paulette share how to learn to contact people that you do not know and then how to teach this to others joining your team. A golden nugget for sure!

Click here to download…

Monday, November 28, 2011

Journey from MLM to Melaleuca

Products are the business: Great discussion on the ingredients and use of our Melaleuca Tea.

Eddie and Paulette have a guest speaker, Bill Gavopoulos, join them today. Bill comes from a strong background and training in Multi Level Marketing (MLM). Listen to Bill’s challenge and process of moving from the mindset and practices of MLM to the mindset and practices of Melaleuca. He logically assumed that all the success and habits he had experienced in MLM would be effective and appropriate for building a business in Melaleuca.

This is an eye opening, blunt, “tell all,” session for anyone that chooses to work with people that have come out of the MLM world and the challenges they could face. The story has an amazing ending.

Click here to download…

Monday, November 21, 2011

Being Thankful

Products are the business: Detailed comparison of our Florify vs Colon Health and the amazing science behind our product.

Eddie and Paulette provide some great comparisons to the life style and income we have available to us through Melaleuca. They compare our Director VII, IX, Senior Director and Executive Director’s incomes to other career incomes. I.E. you could spend 6 years in school, spend 180K in education to become an attorney or spend 1-2 years developing a Senior Director business... When you really listen to what we have here, there is much to be thankful for. Once you “get” what Eddie and Paulette are telling us about their life style and income, their careers, it will give you pause for thought and hopefully much to be thankful for. Enjoy.

Get the "Perspective" doc Paulette references on the call here: Perspective

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Thursday, November 17, 2011

Special Business Training

Paulette partners with Dinorah Ellis in a role playing dialogue. Dinorah poses the most common questions and objections to Paulette that we receive when we approach business owners, corporate management and party planner persons. They also cover how to address the “Is this MLM or One of Those” questions. This is a great demonstration on how to handle these situations effectively and professionally.

Click here to download…

Monday, November 14, 2011

Director III in 90 days

Products are the business: Great comparison of Calmicid vs Pepcid AC and the annual savings for using our brand.

Eddie and Paulette share their effective, common sense plan for consistently developing a new team member into a leader getting them to Director III in their first 90 days! They explain exactly how to do this starting with the 48 hour follow-up right on through the 90 day mark. This is about developing Leaders verses Directors and helping them to be successful immediately. Everyone wins.

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Monday, October 31, 2011

Increase Your Odds of Winning

Products Are The Business Segment: A comparison of Activate vs Airborne and advice on how to best use Activate

Eddie and Paulette begin with training on how and why to use the next two months running up to the January launch. The list of Corporate and Executive Directors that joined Melaleuca during this time of year is impressive.

Next is a great approach to your customer training and education in regards to brand loyalty. Paulette finds it enlightening for her new customer when they are asked why they are brand loyal to their current products. The light goes on for them when they often have no answer and compelling when Paulette has such clear reasons for being brand loyal to Melaleuca. Finally, Eddie and Paulette share a simple three “must-do” list for helping you increase yours odds of winning at building this business from the start. Enjoy!

Click here to download…

Monday, October 24, 2011

Once You Truly Understand

Eddie and Paulette are fresh back from Melaleuca’s bi-annual training for Executive and Corporate Directors. Paulette’s phrase, “If you only understood what I do, you wouldn’t be able to sleep tonight,” puts it all in perspective. You have to listen to them explain the highlights and upcoming growth planned for our company. Also Ryan Harris, a new Executive Director, shares his perspective and insights from attending his first such event. There is a ton of information packed into to this call. Listen in as soon as possible and take notes.

Click here to download…

Monday, October 17, 2011

If They Only Knew

Eddie and Paulette train on their technique to gain and use proper posture when inviting and enrolling new customers.  There is a method that will work like clockwork, and then lots of “other ways.” Learn from the best of the best on how to be effective and efficient in building your business. The October incentives make this method even more effective as your new person will be earning approximately $1,000 in their very first month. Anyone can use the technique taught on today’s call.

Click here to download…

Monday, October 10, 2011

Entrepreneurial Leaders!

Eddie and Paulette provided an outstanding training today on just what it takes to first become an Entrepreneurial Leader and then to build Entrepreneurial Leaders. We are so fortunate to have such powerful and compassionate Leaders sharing their time and wisdom with us.

This is a call you will want to listen to with no distractions and perhaps leave time to get quiet afterwards to consider what is shared in this call. Then take the message to heart and use the next 90 days to change yours and scores of others lives. 

MP3 download here

Monday, October 3, 2011

Back to the Basics

Eddie and Paulette begin this week’s training reviewing October’s monthly promotions and the brilliant strategy behind them. There is an amazing amount of money on the table this month for both the brand new person and those working their way through the Director to Director V positions. The big picture is what will be developing over the next 90 days leading into the January launch.

Eddie and Paulette close out the training with a discussion with how to use the new Delivering Wellness. There seems to be some reluctance and/or confusion as to why to use the new presentation in its entirety with all the video clips. Once you hear why Eddie and Paulette use the Delivering Wellness in its entirety, you will as well.

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For the MP3 file download, click here

Monday, September 26, 2011

Melaleuca's Product Development

Scott Hollander, Melaleuca’s Senior Chief Marketing Officer, joins Paulette to provide a peek behind the scenes at the meticulous processes that Melaleuca uses to bring high quality, competitive products to the market.   Scott speaks from a unique perspective having the advantage of over two decades of marketing experience with Fortune 500 companies before joining Melaleuca.  You will leave this call with a fresh appreciation for why our products are competing so well in the market place.  Learn how and why our approach continues to give us a significant advantage over our competitors and how this knowledge can boost your posture and business.

PODCAST for Opera, Chrome and Firefox users 
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Monday, September 19, 2011

Keys to Building an Organization

Products Are the Business Segment: Melaleuca’s No Work vs. Tilex product comparison. Once again our products beats the competition in all three areas; price, ingredients and performance.

Jeff Stutz joins Paulette to provide top notch training on what it takes to build a healthy Senior Director then onto Executive and Corporate Director businesses. There are necessary shifts in one’s thinking, processes and approaches along each step of the way. Learn from these generous leaders the fine points of how they are building successful, fast growing businesses and how you can do the same.

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PODCAST for IE users

Monday, September 12, 2011

Two Critical Business Tools

Eddie and Paulette provide precise training on why and how to use these two critical business tools. First is a seven point discussion on what your 48 hour follow-up training should include. Eddie shares a recent experience where 10 of 10 people at a home meeting enrolled as 2’s or 3’s and how he conducted their 48 hour follow-ups over the next two days.

Next is one of the best breakdowns I have ever heard on using the 12 Success Factors. This tool when used correctly and at the appropriate time will help you consistently enroll and educate your business builders. Eddie and Paulette help us build a matrix to compare Melaleuca with Amway, Juices, Telecommunications, and Party Plan Companies using the 12 Success Factors. You will need paper and pen to do the exercise as the training unfolds.

PODCAST for Opera, Chrome and Firefox users 
PODCAST for IE users

Monday, August 29, 2011

How to Approach our Prized Contacts

A new weekly feature has been added that is called the “Raising the Bar Segment.” This week Eddie and Paulette shared five phrases that each of us should add to our Delivering Wellness presentations and business vocabulary.

Next up is great training on how to effectively use the new Legacy In Wellness book in educating ourselves and our new customers.

Finally there is a frank and direct discussion on how to be ready to speak to those people that we consider our prized business partners. Eddie and Paulette expressed a concern that we may be missing crucial opportunities to close some of the best people that we and our support team know. They give us simple and effective ways to tee up our conversation and some crucial tips on what we need to practice. Eddie and Paulette’s passion comes through in a strong way on this call – enjoy and be ready to take notes.

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PODCAST for IE users

Monday, August 22, 2011

Presenting the New Delivering Wellness

Eddie and Paulette use this entire call to cover the best way to use the new Delivering Wellness presentation. They emphasized from the start that the main goal of doing an effective Delivering Wellness presentation is to increase your enrollment ratio. Eddie has built the largest business in Melaleuca by sticking to the basics and teaching his team to do the same. He fully endorses using the presentation in its entirety and gives great points on how to do so effectively. The new Delivering Wellness will help each of us to grow our businesses more effectively and in a manner that everyone can duplicate.

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PODCAST for IE users

Monday, August 15, 2011

Breaking News and Tools

Products Are The Business Segment: Nancy McHugh, 20 years in Cosmetics and Hair Care prior to Melalecua, does a great run down of our new Sei Bella hair care line and the impact this line can have on your business.

Eddie and Paulette discuss the new tools provided to us from Convention for educating our customers. The new hair care line is unmatched in quality and price. Next the new product guide, A Legacy in Wellness, is your streamlined way to come up to speed on our top 22 top products – a must have. Plan on learning one product a day!! Your confidence will soar with your new ability to educate your customers. Finally, there is a blunt discussion on the state of our economy and the apparent lack of hope of many people today. Melaleuca offers a viable solution to those needing a change. Find a way to listen to Frank’s Convention speech and you’ll learn how and why we can make a difference in others and our own lives!

PODCAST for Opera, Chrome and Firefox users
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Monday, August 8, 2011

Post Convention Report-Out

This convention was unlike any before! There is a buzz and a realization that the Melaleuca Company is at an exciting tipping point. They are poised to triple their current volume – to dominate in the areas that we are competing in. People lives are being changed! The theme of residual income was driven home in new ways that showcased exactly what is available to you and me. There is nothing comparable in business anywhere. Listen to Eddie, Paulette and Brady Gardner share some profound takeaways from this year’s convention. If you did not make it to convention be sure to find a post convention meeting to attend to get the highlights. This is truly an exciting time to be partnered with Melaleuca. (Recording quality improves as the call goes, stay with it)

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Monday, August 1, 2011

Ordinary vs Extraordinary

Products Are The Business Segment: Paulette does an urgent and thorough job of explaining our ProstAvan product! (Prostate Support for Men) There really is no product that comes close in comparison.

Eddie and Paulette first go into the philosophy of “The Tipping Point.” They share what it was in their lives and businesses that provided their tipping points. Next is a super discussion on what it takes to go from Ordinary to Extraordinary in your Melaleuca Business. The secret of this extra 10% could be the difference in remaining an Executive Director verses moving onto an Executive Director V and higher! Great call!

PODCAST for Opera, Chrome and Firefox users
PODCAST for IE users

Monday, July 25, 2011

Advanced Coaching Training

Products Are The Business Segment: A comparison of Sun Shades after Sun Hydrogel E vs Bert’s Bees After Sun.

Eddie and Paulette continue the coaches training based on feedback after last week’s call on the twelve aspects of a being a great coach. There were four areas of the twelve that people “confessed” that they were not doing well. Take advantage of this advanced training on being great coaches to your team!! This is how the top leaders have developed success in their teams over the long term.

PODCAST for Opera, Chrome and Firefox users
PODCAST for IE users

Monday, July 18, 2011

Being a Successful Coach

Products Are The Business Segment: A comparison of Body Satin Foot Spray vs Odor Eaters.

Eddie and Paulette lay out the crucial aspects of how to help your new people and team be successful. Remember, first you are looking for people that have three qualities: 1) being coachable; 2) having heart and; 3) having a strong why. Here are the twelve qualities of being an effective and successful coach to your people. Understanding and putting these twelve points into practice will change your business!

PODCAST for Opera, Chrome and Firefox users
PODCAST for IE users

Monday, July 11, 2011

Addressing the 35 Point Preferred Customer Commitment

Products are the business Segment: Diabetes and the profound effect the Vitality Total can have.

This week Paulette and Eddie provide an easy and effective way to address a customer that is concerned about the Preferred Customer’s 35 point commitment. This six point process will help you show your new customer the benefits they will receive. Great information!

PODCAST for Opera, Chrome and Firefox users
PODCAST for IE users

Monday, June 27, 2011

Keys to Successful Presentations

Products Are The Business Segment: A comparison of CounterAct Allergy vs Claritin.

Eddie and Paulette discuss the finer points of presenting an effective Delivering Wellness presentation. It is crucial that we all understand how important it is to do our own effective presentations. This is the business we are in. Eddie and Paulette share the HOW and WHY of their personal techniques.

PODCAST for Opera, Chrome and Firefox users
PODCAST for IE users

Monday, June 20, 2011

How to Tee Up Frank's 6 Minute Video in DW

Products Are The Business Segment compared Sei Bella’s Timeless Age Defying Serum vs several department store brands.

Eddie & Paulette went through WHY and HOW to tee up Frank VanderSloot’s 6 minute video in the Delivering Wellness presentation – They actually go through the video clip live and paused it in key places to teach the power of the message from the new listener’s point of view. Very eye-opening. Another good one to be ready to take some notes down!

PODCAST for Opera, Chrome and Firefox users
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Monday, June 13, 2011

Tips on Increasing Your Retention Rate

Products Are The Business Segment: Compared Estee Lauder Perfectionist Wrinkle Lifting Serum vs Sei Bella’s Skin Revitalizing Serum

John Cosentino was Paulette’s guest today – covered great tips on increasing your retention rate as well as going over the numbers of what the residual income is really worth with a Melaleuca Business - be ready to take some notes!

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PODCAST for IE users

Monday, June 6, 2011

Approaches and specific wording for great closes

$1 Memberships are live now through the 15th - watch your words, this is not a $1 Enrollment, it is a $1 Membership.

The Products Are The Business:
Pledge Furniture Polish vs. Rustic Touch
Great listen! Ed and Paulette both had great stories and applications for this product, and even a couple great approaches!

#1 Mistake in approaching people: The "approach" is only an invite - NOT a convincing or selling session..not a pitch.

Listen in for a MAJOR key in properly helping people start out with a Career or Value pack (even a Cat 1 shopper!)

19 out of 20 Directors in Melaleuca started with a Value or Career pack. People who start with a pack reach Director 8 times faster on average. In their career, people who start with a pack advance an average of 7 times faster, and Senior Director 6 times faster. Customers that start with a pack are 8 times more likely to stick for the long haul. The average product points per month is 45% higher also!

Great language from Paulette right in the last few minutes about how to word your close to set up many more new shoppers with a Value or Career pack - be ready to take notes!

Some of the very best mindset, posture, and specific wording to closing I've ever heard happens right at the end of this call. WOW

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Monday, May 23, 2011

Staying Engaged - 6 Check Points to Keep Yourself on Track

Products Are The Business Segment compared the immune booster Airborne vs our Activate

What does ‘staying engaged’ and ‘keep-your-head-in-the-game” really mean?

Listen for the 6 check points – great outline to keep yourself on track!

PODCAST for Opera, Chrome and Firefox users
PODCAST for IE users

Monday, May 16, 2011

Windex, Critical Activities 1 & 2, Fix your story!

Did You Know?
- Windex: Active ingredient is Ammonia (caustic chemical)
- Price comparison: Clear Power is about half the cost of Windex
- Ingredient comparison: Distilled White Vinegar and Melaleuca Oil..non caustic, non-toxic
- One of our best feel good and performance products.

...As usual, far superior in terms of value, performance, and ingredients.

Income Producing Activity vs Tension Relieving Activity:
- Critical Activities 1 & 2:
1. Keep Building Your Contact List
2. Set Appointments

Cell phone approach (from Ed) "Ya know I was going through my phone and saw ya there and thought I'd give you a ring and see what you're up to, and I'd like to fill you in on what I'm up to..."

"Would you mind if I report back to you in a month or so and let you know how it's going" (will help to keep your connections CURRENT)

Watch out for your FILTERS...don't skim through that list on your cell phone, really think about each person and make that approach! Don't decide for people - the answer is always NO when you don't call them! The worst approach is the one you don't make (the answer is always no!)

If you knew in advance that your contact would eventually thank you for contacting them, how eager would you be to pick up that phone?!

Hardest part of the business? The approach.
What is the definition of a NO? When you've made the approach, done the appointment with a full presentation, and your contact says "no", THAT is a no. think many no's have you gotten?

TONS of extra content in this call about proven approaches, mindset on approaches, key phrasing, etc.  If you're feeling weak in that area, or have people in your team who would find this useful, get the word out!

This call ends with Ed going through "Does your story stink"?  (HINT..if you think it does, you MUST listen to this call.  If you really think your story stinks, you won't succeed here.  Let Ed help you fix your story!

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Monday, May 9, 2011

Launch Highlights, Binary Comp plans, and Mouth Rinse comparison!

Eddie walked through some of the ‘nuggets’ from the Trish Grinell segment of the Launch – lots of great learning points.
Fabulous conversation between Eddie and Paulette on what the Binary Compensation Plan of an MLM company is really all about – you’ll probably want to listen to this segment a couple of times – loaded with simple basics and common sense.
For the products segment Paulette went through a comparison between Listerine Total Care Mouth Wash vs our Breath Away Mouth Rinse including going over why it’s ‘new & improved’... always an eye opener when you ‘peel back the layers’ of value.

PODCAST for Opera, Chrome and Firefox users
PODCAST for IE users

Monday, May 2, 2011

Director Development, Effective Followup, and CranBarrier

Straight from the top - "Live beneath your means". Melaleuca is the "Get out of debt" company! Listen in to this months' "1st of the month" call if you haven't yet to hear all the exciting news (Log in to and go to the Business Center).

We got to hear from Michelle Nordlund (who has personally developed 13 new Directors in the past year!) talk about Director Development on today's call.

Followup with customers is an integral part of the business. Paulette gave some great advice to systematically UP our retention.

Great story on today's call from a new enrollee named Landon. Hear his family's story of the past few months (they enrolled in January)...starting out shopping just to humor the friend, but quickly catching on to the business side.

2 months to 28 personal enrollments, 4 personally enrolled Directors and $4500 later, they're just getting started!

1 out of 7 doctors visits are for Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs)...
UTIs have become a multibillion dollar problem just in the USA alone!
CranBarrier vs everything else on the market - CranBarrier is an amazing product - listen in for details.

PODCAST for Opera, Chrome and Firefox users
PODCAST for IE users

Monday, April 25, 2011

Presentation advice from Paulette and Sol-U-Guard Botanical vs. Lysol!

Paulette opened the call talking about a great strategy to help your brand new people get off to a really fast strong start with a very simple...dare I say easy...approach!

Great story from Ed about Renew and a giant door it opened for him this past week - good reminder for all of us to keep some extra little Renews with us all the time!

LAUNCH LAUNCH LAUNCH...coming right up. Time to get on the ball here if you haven't, this is a huge opportunity for all of us!

Sol-U-Guard Botanical vs. Lysol
Price: We win
Science and ingredients: duh
Performance: um yep
(Listen in for all the details - Paulette has a great piece on staying credible while educating consumers on our brand)

Presentation advice and tips from Paulette finish out today's call! Listen in and be ready to take notes! "Didn't we all sit in the audience at one point?"

Here's the link to the article about Pediatricians looking for better regulations around toxic products that Paulette mentioned on today's call -

Buying decision vs Shopping decision - big distinction to make!
Remember - Resistance is NATURAL.

Here's the document Paulette mentioned on the call - this will help with wording and approach during your presentations: 35 Points Wording Doc

PODCAST for Opera, Chrome and Firefox users: CLICK HERE

Monday, April 18, 2011

Gas Prices and Re-committing to making 1 approach per day

The Products ARE the Business...Did you know?
Shampoo today - purchased at Walgreens, Nexus shampoo and conditioner for $14.99 each.
VS Envia Shampoo and Conditioner @ our Preferred Customer price of about $20 for the pair.

Price, Science, Ingredients and Performance...we win again in all categories! Listen in for all the details, and if you haven't been using our Envia line, you'll want to now!

Big news this morning all over the country...gas prices. Forecasted to hit over $5/gallon this summer, this is a big deal for so many people we all know. Listen in for the break down of the numbers from Ed.

What will happen to most of your friends and family as their overall cost of living jumps up over $500/mo on average? Are they prepared for that?

Great coaching from Ed and Paulette to finish out today's call on what to do while filling out paperwork with a new enrollment...all the details during and immediately following the enrollment. Great few minutes reminders on properly setting the stage for the purchase of the Pacesetter pack. Learn from the pros!

Final 5 minutes are all about COMMITMENT. Great commentary on us as enrollers committing to help our new enrollees win...and following through on that commitment.

PODCAST for Opera, Firefox and Chrome users: CLICK HERE
PODCAST for Internet Explorer users: CLICK HERE

Monday, April 11, 2011

LC April 11 - Language, Mindset and the May Launch

69th Leadership Connection Call!

9 Days left for the half price promotion ($14.50 Memberships)

May Launch is only 3 weeks away - be aggressively promoting this event!

Strategy from Ed with the Apr/May promo - listen in!
The $500 Guarantee for new Directors in April applies to ANYONE - This is a very time sensitive situation - listen to Ed give the best strategy to leverage this promo, and implement it SAME DAY!

The Products are the Business:
20 oz. Gatorade G2 vs. Sustain Sport
Pricing Comparison: G2 = $1.79 vs. Sustain Sport = .50
The Sports Drink category is about a $1,500,000,000 market every year in the US.
Really great detailed break down of the 2 products...listen in for all the details!

Click here to access the document Paulette put together on throwing out the MLM language: LANGUAGE DOC

The average Senior Director in the company has 36 personal active customers.
The average Executive Director in the company has 48 personal active customers.

This is another one of those've gotta hear (again) the last 5 minutes of the call. If you missed it live, here are the links to the recordings - there is an alternate link for Internet Explorer users that want the Podcast version below:

PODCAST for Opera, Firefox and Chrome browsers: CLICK HERE
PODCAST for Internet Explorer: CLICK HERE

Friday, April 8, 2011

LC Apr 4 - Convo w/new D2 who enrolled 20 his first month!

Paulette had a great conversation with a brand new Director II, Michael Taylor who enrolled 20 customers his 1st full month [March]. Be sure to listen to his story – very compelling.

Paulette also walked us through the concept of why Directors are the ‘pillars’ of our business as well as understanding why Melaleuca is a ‘disruptive business model’ in the marketplace. Spot on as usual! Be ready to take some notes!


I've been looking into why the Podcast option only works for some and not others - what I'm seeing is that trying to open/access it when using Internet Explorer, it doesn't work. Using Opera, Firefox, or Chrome, no problem.

For anyone using IE, try this direct MP3 download link: (You'll have to name it/save it) CLICK HERE

LC Mar 28, 2011 - Compelling reasons to switch to our brand + Leave the MLM language behind

Eddie & Paulette did their ‘Products Are The Business’ spot on the Access Bar and MelaSoft. Great segment on what the compelling reasons are to switch to our brand.

They also walked us through the importance of changing our language to match what we are – an authentic business - and leave the MLM language behind.


Sorry for the really late posting - I've been busy getting my family moved across the country and getting settled in. The good old days of same day blog posts are back!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Coachable + Pacesetter Pack + 4 Months =

Eddie & Paulette talked with Korey Whitchurch and took us through his story of how he enrolled and what he's accomplished in just four months being coachable and building with the Pacesetter Pack system. There are so many nuggets & insights in this call.

Also, great segment on "The Products are the business – Did you know…?" comparing Cascade to Diamond Brite and Tilex to Tub n Tile. Great posture knowing how economical & safe our products are!

Go check it out!


Friday, March 18, 2011

John Cosentino's story & Pain-A-Trate vs BenGay

Our thoughts and prayers go out to all friends and family in Japan.

Eddie and Paulette stressed the importance of really pushing hard in the months of March and April to gain some momentum going into May Launch – and with our $1.00 Enrollment special we can build with a sense of urgency.

The product segment was great comparing BenGay vs Pain-A-Trate – another good example of the value of our brand.

John Cosentino was the guest today and told the story of Paulette coaching him last October to change his language from MLM-ish to professional and raising his game. John talked about the difference it has made in his business – he earned ELC status for the 1st time in 19 years!!

Eye-opening statistics at the end of the call – emphasizing the tremendous need for people to have a solid Plan B in place. Great stuff! Be ready to take some notes!


Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Maria Mosca on Appointment Setting

Today Paulette and Maria Mosca took us through the basics of approaching and setting the appointment. Great ideas on key phrases to overcome resistance as well as a few phrases you want to avoid. Powerful, down to earth training.

Be ready to take lots of notes!


Wednesday, March 2, 2011

The first and last 2 minutes of your presentation

Another great example of the value of our brand – Paulette and Eddie went through a comparison of our FiberWise against Metamucil... Amazing how a little knowledge can change your posture—!!

“We’re in the presentation business”... Great dialogue on being confident in your opening 2 minutes – being sure to relax the audience by letting them know you’re not there to sell them anything or hype or exaggerate...”

Eddie and Paulette also take us through tips on closing throughout the presentation and what to say to a Cat 2 or 3. Be sure to listen to the end – Paulette shares some interesting insights into what makes people take action!


Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Fast SD story + 3 Products Analyzed

Back in August at the Convention, a frustrated Lola Wright approached Eddie and asked him for help.  He took her through his ‘inventory’ questions and discovered the missing piece was Pacesetter Packs.  Listen to Lola as she explains how in 5 short months she doubled the size of her business and advanced to Senior Director in January!!

Eddie & Paulette did their segment ‘The Products ARE The Business’ and took us through 3 products of ‘Did You Know’.  Very informative and a great segment on building posture for our incredible line of products.

Go check out the recording!

Monday, February 7, 2011

More great Party Plan insights

First off, several of you have asked about documents previously posted to the Blog - ALL of those documents are housed here: CLICK HERE FOR ACCESS TO ALL DOCS

Todays' call - Great recap of all the events, venues and promotions we have and how to leverage them to build our business.

Special emphasis was placed on ‘putting yourself in a position to win’ by participating and becoming better at approaching & setting appointments.

Paulette also had Kim Anderson recap her excitement of Road To Executive Director!!
Also, with the extra $10K incentive available for those who enrolled December 1st or later and who reach Senior status by May 31st, Paulette interviewed Lisa Meehl & Kim to help all get an understanding of the strong women from the Party Plan Direct Sales arena and some ideas for approaching them.

Be sure to listen to the very end to hear of an incredible story about Kim’s 13 year old son Alex...

Two ways to listen:
For all you Smart phone people: Podcast - CLICK HERE

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Tuesday, February 1, 2011

LC Jan 31, 2011

Paulette talked about why the products ARE the business – because they have enough VALUE to hold the consumer’s brand loyalty – we’re able to compete for marketshare.

Eddie & Paulette took us through 2 products: Replenex & Phytomega – talking about the quality of ingredients and benefits of taking them along with how affordable they are – Example: Osteo Biflex @ $39 vs Extra Strength Replenex @ $20

They discussed a recent article by Global Industry Analysts that stated that ‘Supplement Sales Expected to Reach $100 Billion by 2015” and in this article so much strong data to support all roads leading to Melaleuca.

Paulette also walked us through how she talks with Corporate Business minds about who we are – very powerful.


PODCAST - Click here

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Identify and Coach Leadership

Party Planners revisited! Operate in the mission statement - it's not about YOU!

Jan/Feb is PRIME TIME to approach any party planner connections you have.

In Homes are the most effective way to build your Melaleuca business – this is a business of relationships & communication

Direct Sales Party Plan Leaders become [in Paulette’s opinion] some of the best leaders in Melaleuca because they are extremely well-trained & already understand

    * How to gather people together – emotionally anchored to the host or hostess – to share a product or concept
    * How to invite
    * How to present/communicate with passion their company/concept/product

Paulette and Eddie talked with Kim Anderson and Lisa Meehl – both came to Melaleuca with a combined 30 years experience with Mary Kay Cosmetics.

One of the main reasons they decided to build a business here was the 95% monthly reorder rate which generates residual income along with the fact that there are no big expenses that they experienced with Mary Kay.  In many cases, they would ‘re-invest’ 50% of what they earned.

Kim and Lisa help us understand how to approach and talk with leaders from that industry – valuable and eye-opening information.

Two ways to access today's recording:
PODCAST - Click Here

Monday, January 17, 2011

Pacesetter Reset, Personal Inventory, last chance for your Team of 4

Pacesetter Reset: Important notes - you MUST sign and return the commitment form (download from the business center or call your Regional).  Then you must have at least 4 new quality enrollments or develop one new personal director (who enrolls at least 4 this month).  If you didn't purchase a Career or Value pack yet, that must also happen.  Lastly, you must also be at least an active Director by the end of January to take advantage of this reset.

Remember the Mentoring bonus is also dramatically affected by this reset!  Pay attention to those in your group that could use the Pacesetter Reset and help them start advancing on Pacesetter again, doubling your Mentoring bonuses along the way!

Teams of 4 - if you haven't emailed with your team of at least 4, you still have a few more days to get that done. Tue Feb 1st @ 9pm EST - special call with Ed and Paulette for those that have put their teams together.

Jeff Stutz = $470k in the last 24 months :)
Ed's December check...$310,173.69

Building a business to last a lifetime!

First month of a new year...great time to take an inventory of yourself:
...answer each of these:
  1. Am I interested, or committed?
  2. Is my spouse or significant other on board?
  3. Do I have business cards? (Great resources @ )
  4. Have I listened to the Getting Started CDs?
  5. Do I subscribe the MORE report, the BEST series, and MyMelaleuca?
  6. Do I plug in to the Leadership Connection call?
  7. Am I attending the Directors' Dinners?
  8. Do I understand WHY to sell Pacesetter Packs?
  9. Do I consistently hold 48 hour followups?
  10. Am I comfortable with the Preferred Customer program?
  11. Can I explain clearly why Melaleuca is not MLM? (Critical question: How does the money flow? ..from pocket to pocket?)
  12. Am I going to Convention?
  13. Do I understand the definition of a NO?
...Am I just interested? Or committed?

Personal Inventory:
How many presentations have I done in the last 90 days?
How many have I enrolled?
How many circled cat 2 or 3?
How many of the 2s and 3s bought a Pacesetter Pack?
How many Directors have I developed in the last 90 days?

Listen to this week's call one of two ways:
PODCAST - Click Here
or just click play below!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Launch recap, Pacesetter reset, lots of great product info!

Where will you be 4 years from now? Nearly 10% growth last year, to $948,339,447 ...the talk is that we'll be twice the size we are now in about 4 years. How many of those customers will be in your organization?

Last call for the special training and attention from Ed and Paulette - to opt in and take advantage of this, email: with "I have organized my team of 4" in the subject line. Put together your crew, and get rollin!

Pacesetter reset!! January is your chance to reset your clock! Very Important: If you missed the launch, you'll need to visit the business center, download and print the Commitment form and get that submitted right away. Get with your support team with any questions and for support as you work to reset your clock this month!

Call through your business report - look for people who may want to jump on the reset opportunity...any and all of those category 2s and 3s.

Great reminder on the assists from Ed today - about halfway into the call. Good stuff! Don't let your heart get in the way of your head, work that correctly!

The Oligo announcements are a BIG deal, Activate, Provex, SplasH2O, Fiberwise, ProFlex...lots of great updates and announcements. The last 15 minutes or so of today's call had so much great product information, be sure to revisit that and take a few notes!!

Scott Hollander - Marketing Team Game Plan: “Not in it to compete, in it to Win”

Our products are
• Safer for your home
• Environmentally friendly
• Better for your health
• A better value
• One-of-a-kind in performance

Oligo Scientific News

Original findings were published in the Journal of the Society for Free Radical Biology and Medicine in 2008

Undergone Additional peer review - Now – published in The Nutrition Journal – one of the leading publications in the world of nutrition research
[Download actual article on our website]

Absorption research was presented at the 50th Annual Meeting of American Society for Cell Biology on Dec 6, 2010 in Philadelphia

Free Radical research was presented at the 17th Annual Society of Free Radical Biology & Medicine Symposium on Nov 17, 2010 in Orlando

These are huge milestones for Oligo and further solidifies the science of it as one of the most significant discoveries in human nutrition

Jan 10, 2011 Podcast - Click Here!

Monday, January 3, 2011

Launch this week and Party Plan info!

It's just a few days away now!

Look over your organization report - pick 5 people you personally enrolled but haven't been in touch with lately to call and personally invite. Duplicate that right away!

Results require action.

Today's main topic - the Party Plan company Mary Kay.
Started in 1963, they are the 4th largest Direct Selling company in the world. Many of Melaleucas' top leaders have come from the party plan industry.

Get ready to take some notes - here's the conversation from today:

LC Jan 3 2011 Podcast - Click Here