Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Curb Your Enthusiasm

Products are the Business: Paulette cautions us to avoid the extremes when talking about and introducing the Products. You will find folks that buy at the Dollar Store and care little about what’s in the products they buy. Then, you will find those who are so into the ingredients in the products they are buying, that they make their own soap. Paulette warns us about hyperbole and drama. Use “reasonable” explanations when talking about Melaleuca”a product line. This will help you avoid getting side tracked and having to defend every over-the-top remark you have made. Be honest. Be truthful. And be informed about everything you say. No need to be defensive. Melaleuca is for most people, but not for all people.
Ed is excited about the upcoming Convention and reminds us that having a strong, deep and fairly complex WHY is an important part of your success. Review yours before you leave and refine it, if you need to. Most importantly, revisit it often. It will serve as a light when those “dark moments” occur in your business. It can, as Paulette says, be your reason to drive through that blizzard to make a presentation. Convention will offer you brain searching (help knowing what you are doing) and soul searching (Help knowing why you are doing it) So, go to learn, don’t go to get motivated. Come home and you will be motivated. Then execute your Post Convention Plan.

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First Aid For Your Business and For Your Home, Car or Boat.

Products are the Business: Paulette points out the value and convenience of having a Melaleuca First Aid Kit handy. For only $40, it provides you with a value that is more than double the cost and it features some of Melaleuca’s best “medicine cabinet” products, like Dermacort. Don’t try to get through the summer without one of your own. It’s a great chance to try some products you may not have tried. Build your business by sampling the products you introduce. Try as many as you can, You still have the opportunity in May to achieve the first time Directors bonuses of $500 (4 new customers) and $1000 (8 new customers) and don’t forget, every new customer gets a free gift of Melaleuca’s new Vitality Omega 3 Crème Delight ($18 value). Get out of your comfort zone; remember the Super Pools are still in play for May.

Ed shares that; “ Resolve is the toughest of the three Success Principles in building your business, because it requires sacrifice and discipline in the little things, like regular hours, so the big things can take care of themselves. This can be a “Part Time” business, but it can’t be a “Spare Time” business. Be careful using the word EASY, Paulette cautions. It IS simple, but it is NOT easy, developing a successful Melaleuca business. If you are making presentations and not having success, learn to make great presentations by sharing your story and, then, sharing your vision and helping them to make it their own. Listen to it all, Here. Convention 2014 is only 360 days away. Have your Team planning NOW to attend this indispensable event. Remember, next Monday is Memorial Day. There will be no Leadership Connection call. Have a safe Holiday.

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Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Product Improvements. Personal Improvements. Company Improvements.

Products Are The Business: Paulette shares some incites on advances in technology in Melaleuca’s laundry products system. Which includes an even more effective Melapower. Formaldehyde free fragrance release system of Melasoft. And the new Pre-Spot with a scrubber bottle and gel delivery system. You’ll want to use personal stories when relating these and other Melaleuca products. The May incentives can make your new customers and team $500 to $1000 additional bonus dollars in May.
This week Paulette and Eddie reviewed the “e-mail bag” responses. You’ll want to hear about correcting bad first impressions and presentations and how to revisit those opportunities. Ed talks about the importance of Vision Will and Resolve in your personal business. You can’t do it unless you see it. You can’t do it unless you want it. And you can’t do it unless you do it. It all stems from your belief: in the products; in the company; in yourself.
Finally, hot from convention is the announcement of an all-new facility coming to Idaho Falls. A 60 Million Dollar already paid for campus (Frank’s word) that will house up to 6000 Melaleuca company employees, and include everything from a dentist to a hair stylist…

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Monday, May 6, 2013

Convention Is Completed. New Products Are Launched. Now Work Smart And Qualify For Big Bonuses. (By Doing It The Right Way)

The Products Are The Business: We had some really exciting new products introduced at Convention. Listen here to find out what Paulette thinks about them and the new additional opportunities they create for your business. Paulette also, talks about the “new Directors incentives” which can mean Big Bucks to you and your team in May. Don’t miss out on the chance to use them to recruit and motivate everyone in your business with these huge opportunities.
Convention was AWESOME. Everything from the new products packs to emotionally motivating experiences that came from Key Note Speakers to the Marketing Executives Of The Year. The Message from Convention: “Leave A Legacy”…with your Melaleuca business by remembering that everyone it touches should be served in reaching their goal, whatever it may be.
Don’t make the two biggest mistakes in your business. Don’t work hard with the wrong people, and don’t get caught up in the Management Mode, as your Melaleuca business grows. A great “take it to heart tip, as you continue to create relationships (and don’t ever stop) “People don’t care how much you know, until they know how much you care.”
Convention 2014 is only 373 days away, but what means more is what you do with your Post Convention Launch. Get all the exciting news out there. You may want to do it in parts by scheduling several team events touching on the various topics, like “new products”, “the bonuses and their opportunities”, and “ the re-establishment of personal and team goals”. You’ll find it all right here, as only Paulette and Eddie can describe it.

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