Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Curb Your Enthusiasm

Products are the Business: Paulette cautions us to avoid the extremes when talking about and introducing the Products. You will find folks that buy at the Dollar Store and care little about what’s in the products they buy. Then, you will find those who are so into the ingredients in the products they are buying, that they make their own soap. Paulette warns us about hyperbole and drama. Use “reasonable” explanations when talking about Melaleuca”a product line. This will help you avoid getting side tracked and having to defend every over-the-top remark you have made. Be honest. Be truthful. And be informed about everything you say. No need to be defensive. Melaleuca is for most people, but not for all people.
Ed is excited about the upcoming Convention and reminds us that having a strong, deep and fairly complex WHY is an important part of your success. Review yours before you leave and refine it, if you need to. Most importantly, revisit it often. It will serve as a light when those “dark moments” occur in your business. It can, as Paulette says, be your reason to drive through that blizzard to make a presentation. Convention will offer you brain searching (help knowing what you are doing) and soul searching (Help knowing why you are doing it) So, go to learn, don’t go to get motivated. Come home and you will be motivated. Then execute your Post Convention Plan.

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1 comment:

  1. I'm glad to hear that there are no GMO's in the ingrediants of our products.That is good news.
