Monday, May 26, 2014

Jason Paulin: A Perfect Fit To Get Us The Fitness Information.

Our format for this morning’s call is slightly different than normal as we are joined by a very special guest, Jason Paulin who with his wife Brooke, is Melaleuca’s Marketing Executive of the Year (FOR THE LAST 2 YEARS!). Along with that significant accomplishment, Jason is now a National Director V and moving forward…fast.

Paulette and Ed realized that Jason’s background in the health and fitness industry (nearly two decades) would make him the perfect person to talk to us about Melaleuca’s new Vitality Elevate suite of products. Boy, were they correct in their choice. Jason unbundles all the myths about muscle mass and fat burning, as he tells us about the Peak Performance Nutrition Packs and why they are different from our traditional line of Vitality line of vitamin and mineral supplements. Who can and who should try using them instead and why.

He then uses great detail in describing the additional muscle building, regeneration and performance Elevate Supplements: Pure Creatine, Amino Boost and Ultra-performance Protein. WOW, does he give us the details. Jason finally tells us how this “whole new product line” can create great opportunities for developing an entire new group of leadership within our businesses. Anyone who was a GNC customer now has a better (and likely more affordable) alternative with Melaleuca. Jason tells those people about it in weekly and monthly “boot camps”, where he explains that the same consistency that it takes to create a successful exercise regimen is what it takes to develop a thriving Melaleuca business. It is not often that we have the opportunity to gather this kind of “insider” information on new products and you will find it all here.

Paulette and Ed wrap us up with some personal applications the new information has offered. We have a whole new suite of products, a whole new, aggressive compensation plan, a Pacesetter re-set opportunity and $1 memberships until June 1st. It is, indeed, A Brand New Day at Melaleuca.

Click here to download…

Monday, May 19, 2014

New Products, New Energy and A New Resolve…It’s A Brand New Day.

Products are the Business: Paulette talks about the exciting new product introductions from Convention including the laundry and Sei Bella additions - then defers the fitness products discussions to next week’s special guest, Jason Paulin, (who is a certified fitness expert) to explain more about these breakout products that are part of a 163 billion dollar industry.

The theme at Convention was: “It’s A Brand New Day, and at Melaleuca, it sure is. The new compensation adjustments which focus on Director III development, are a great excuse, Ed says, to pick up the phone and announce the opportunities it creates to all of your personal enrollments. He also points out that you should remember that to develop a DIII, you first must develop a Director (and then D2).

Paulette confirms that the new compensation plan is all about leadership and goes through some of the dollars the new plan offers. Ed talks about the importance of Pacesetter packs [now called Business Packs] with a cute story from Convention.

Huge excitement with the announcement of Resetting Pacesetter - which virtually doubles every advancement bonus - so, if you have ever said to yourself “I wish I could start over” now you can.

One of the most important things you can do for your business is to pay great attention to the placement and development of your personal matrix. For those of you who are subscribers there will be an upcoming webinar on matrix construction available to MGGG members, so keep on the lookout for it.

Paulette tells us that key benefits, like the matrix webinar are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the advantages that your MGGG subscription offers. “You gotta have great tools” she says, and the tools offered by MGGG are the widest in variety and the highest in quality you will find.

There are several new reporting and sorting tools in your M.O.R.E. report that will allow you to keep better track of your “core” business. It’s a great time to be a Melaleucan.
Click here to download… MakeGreenGoGreen Training: MakeGreen 101 - Please watch this before attending Thursday evening's training. NOTE: IPAD / Mac USERS***This link will not work, there is an incompatibility with Apple products, we will provide an alternative link to training this evening. MakeGreenGoGreen Questions and Answers Training (Announced on todays call) Please register for MakeGreen Questions and Answers on May 22, 2014 9:00 PM EDT at:

                     SUCCESS FACTORS 


  • Most companies fail within the first 5 years
  • Melaleuca has 29 years of consistent growth

  • Look before you leap – will it last?
  • Melaleuca is a debt free company
  • Never been a day late sending out profit checks

  • Most company’s owners are MLMers and own the “downline”
  • Know they have a short window to make their millions and move on
  • Result: They make decisions to make themselves wealthy at the expense of the people’s futures
  • Our corporate leaders come from Fortune 500 companies: ADT, Revlon, Schick, Ohio Bell, Gillette, Proctor & Gamble, Cox Communications, UPS.  
  • Sound business minds running the company
  • Melaleuca’s management team is Principle-centered/Mission-driven
  • No hype: CEO Frank L. VanderSloot – vision/integrity – “Built On Solid Principles”
  • Board of Ethics of the DSA, Past Regional Vice-Chairman Washington U.S. Chamber of Commerce, 1998 Idaho Business Leader of the Year, 2001 & 2009 Entrepreneur of the Year

  • Melaleuca manufacturers superior quality, safer products protected by trade secrets, proprietary formulas and patents that can only be obtained through Melaleuca
  • With Melaleuca, you don’t need to create the ‘need’ to buy
  • Melaleuca’s products are basics people are already buying – using ‘old’ money already in their budget - Monthly consumption of household basics - creates the residual income

  • Melaleuca’s price point is generally supermarket or lower
  • Smart economics – there is great value in being a customer
  • Melaleuca manufactures and sources its own products
  • Recession-resistant

  • Consumer chooses the brand – Creates the residual income
  • Documented 95% monthly reorder rate
  • Proud to show our Business Report
  • In most companies, if the customer did not order -- they quit.
  • Many of our Melaleuca customers are simply brand loyal consumers – they’re not shopping here for the check [they really want our products] - results is stable, residual income
  • Customers stay if there is enough value
  • Because of our brand loyalty, we have extremely low attrition
  • Most customers who try our products, shop with Melaleuca every month

  • No new money - no need for a budget change – simply switch stores
  • Not a buying decision, it’s a shopping decision
  • Everyone can be a customer

  • Membership fee is $29.00
  • Enroller is not paid bonus on fee
  • Start the ‘right way’ – not buying inventory

  • Melaleuca is still the best kept secret
  • Less than 5% of North America has even heard of Melaleuca
  • No bad news, no one gets hurt
  • Not in a hurry, not looking for shortcuts – built business brick-by-brick
  • Green: Manufacturing responsibly long before it was popular
  • Sitting squarely in the driver’s seat of supply & demand

  • Never penalized for bringing in someone better than you
  • Your organization is yours – it can never be taken from you
  • Most companies use ‘Binary Plans’ – Really goes against sound business principles because you are forced to reward the non-producer in order to get paid

NO RISK [Money, Time, Reputation]
  • At Melaleuca, everything is fully refundable
  • No one can get hurt - Safe place
  • Something the 80%ers can do


Are you looking for the next one, or are you looking for the last one?

All roads lead to Melaleuca.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Savings That Are NOT Accidental. Preparation That IS On Purpose.

Products are the Business: Today’s featured product is one you don’t need…until you do. So, keep it on hand for when you do. It is our Melaleuca First Aid Kit, which is only $39.99 while supplies last and they ARE limited.

Our incentive for May continues to be the business building FREE Value Pack ($300 preferred customer value). Enroll 2 customers before Convention (May 15th), and you can complete their paperwork (if you haven’t) before the end of the month, when you return.

As you would expect, our business development segment is about creating the right mindset before Convention. Paulette stresses taking a quiet moment (maybe on the plane) to do a personal inventory of what you have accomplished (or not) in the last year, and more importantly, re-frame your focus and commitment going forward. Visit your default future and decide what is acceptable and unacceptable including your personal action deadlines for both. Remember, she tells us, Knowledge is NOT power. The application of that knowledge is power.

Ed then invites us to share the importance of developing leaders, not just enrolling customers, in an interesting overview. He stresses, knowing who the right people are and working with them the right way.

There will be a lot of discussion about the new “Mentoring Bonus” at Convention. Pay careful attention because it will make a huge difference in your business’ income going forward. And more…and more…and more.

Then Ed and Paulette touch on how MGGG subscribers get a big advantage by having a duplicable template for their team and their new and future enrollments. Paulette points out that many of the answers to your, always welcome, questions appear on Because of Convention, there will be no Delivering Wellness overviews this week, so also check this blogspot for resumption dates and times.

Our call volume for the Monday Leadership Connection call has grown and creates a need for an alternative overflow number. Should you be unable to join on the regular line use: 646-519-5860 and the usual passcode of 2075#. Green Pastures to all.

Click here to download…

Monday, May 5, 2014

High Value and High Energy

Products are the Business: Paulette points out that there are currently 8 products with significant discounts that you can avail yourself of until May 15. She explains the whys in detail for you here,

Our May incentives address a significant need. In a product driven business, like Melaleuca, you have to try the products, if you want to do the business. That’s why Melaleuca is offering a FREE VALUE PACK (over $300 in preferred customer value) for 2 quality enrollments by May 15th. This AMAZING offer was introduced in the “first of the month call”.
Ed and Paulette remind us that many of your team members don’t listen to this call, so it is the perfect reason to begin out-bound calling.

Ed and Paulette use those incentive discussions to move smoothly into our business development segment, where the energy builds. After talking about the many ways that the free Value Pack can help you “convert” some hangers-on, Ed talks about identifying them from the beginning and how to do that. This leads to an even higher energy dialogue about the construction and maintenance of your business’ matrix.

Paulette adds that your matrix will affect your Melaleuca life forever. “Be smart. Don’t sell your waterfront property to someone with out the resources to build a decent home”, Ed tells us. There is all this and a lot more to help “amp” you up for your trip to Salt Lake City and convention 2014, including Paulette telling us that coming home as an MGGG subscriber will help you to have the information and organizational tools to use that energy to its maximum potential. A lot of great stuff is here for you.

Yes, there will be DW Overviews this week with Paulette and Cisco doing their incomparable best to help you and your guests to enroll and excel. The links are here for you.
Click here to download…