Monday, May 26, 2014

Jason Paulin: A Perfect Fit To Get Us The Fitness Information.

Our format for this morning’s call is slightly different than normal as we are joined by a very special guest, Jason Paulin who with his wife Brooke, is Melaleuca’s Marketing Executive of the Year (FOR THE LAST 2 YEARS!). Along with that significant accomplishment, Jason is now a National Director V and moving forward…fast.

Paulette and Ed realized that Jason’s background in the health and fitness industry (nearly two decades) would make him the perfect person to talk to us about Melaleuca’s new Vitality Elevate suite of products. Boy, were they correct in their choice. Jason unbundles all the myths about muscle mass and fat burning, as he tells us about the Peak Performance Nutrition Packs and why they are different from our traditional line of Vitality line of vitamin and mineral supplements. Who can and who should try using them instead and why.

He then uses great detail in describing the additional muscle building, regeneration and performance Elevate Supplements: Pure Creatine, Amino Boost and Ultra-performance Protein. WOW, does he give us the details. Jason finally tells us how this “whole new product line” can create great opportunities for developing an entire new group of leadership within our businesses. Anyone who was a GNC customer now has a better (and likely more affordable) alternative with Melaleuca. Jason tells those people about it in weekly and monthly “boot camps”, where he explains that the same consistency that it takes to create a successful exercise regimen is what it takes to develop a thriving Melaleuca business. It is not often that we have the opportunity to gather this kind of “insider” information on new products and you will find it all here.

Paulette and Ed wrap us up with some personal applications the new information has offered. We have a whole new suite of products, a whole new, aggressive compensation plan, a Pacesetter re-set opportunity and $1 memberships until June 1st. It is, indeed, A Brand New Day at Melaleuca.

Click here to download…

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