Monday, December 27, 2010

3 Things to Avoid & the Power Team of 4

How are you promoting the January Launch? Imagine having 20 people on your team bringing 2 each (or a more applicable number based on the size of your business right now). We get a new start in 2011, let's start it off strong!

Recommit to the WHY, WHAT and HOW:
  • Is your why still the same? And was it strong enough to begin with? Have this conversation with your team - revisit that, get their wheels turning and help them focus on what will get them out of bed and up and at em this whole new year.
  • No matter what attitude. Recommit to your business hours. Focus on productivity. Make a big deal out of your business hours (extra accountability).
  • How will you build your business in 2011? The Game Plan. ...Duplication! Rededicate to the Pacesetter Packs. Learn it, get good at it, improve your posture. Work smarter, not harder this year!
Focus on INCOME PRODUCING ACTIVITIES, and coach your team on the same.

You will have pain - pain of doing it, or pain of the consequences of not doing it.  Let's choose our pain this year!

No amount of travel on the wrong road will bring you to your destination. Are you doing the right things, heading the right direction?

Biggest things to avoid:
  1. Working with people who are not coachable
  2. Dragging and trying to convince
  3. Stop looking at the MORE report every 3 hours
The answer to everything in the new year: Develop more Directors! :)

in 2011...
1. Add one contact per day, and contact one person per day.
Half of the people you reach out to, will look.
30% of those will enroll (company average)
= 9 enrollments per month on the low end!

2. Enroll 2 the right way each month

Two questions to ask yourself every day:  Who's coming in, and who do I personally have goin to Director?

Find committed people - ask:
Are you willing to commit to one contact per day?
Are you willing to do it enroll 2 the right way?

If you have a team of 4 committed to this, then at a minimum you'll have 4 new Directors per month. Pick your team - find out what their WHY is, have everyone write it out along with their commitment to the 2 activities. 

Dec 27 Podcast - CLICK HERE

Monday, December 20, 2010

Gratitude, Holiday business hours and the January Launch! - take a few minutes to post some gratitude!

Weekly Leadership Call continues every week in 2011! We'll see a new 10 minute spot every week where Paulette will highlight a product or two.

THIS is the time of the year to pull out all of the stops and BUILD. At least half of the Corporate Directors @ Melaleuca started their business in December. This is the time of year when serious people get serious.

The January Launch.........make your invite list and start pinging it seriously. Work right up to that event.

The difference between the ordinary and the extraordinary is the little extra :)

Holiday business hours. Some thoughts...many millions don't celebrate Christmas. Many other millions work right up till the eves (Christmas/New Year). Go stimulate relationships and conversations, think of the news we have for all those that are hurting out there. Does the recession go on extended leave over the holidays? Should we??

Watch your language this week!
Wrong language vs Right language
Business Opportunity vs Unique business concept
Place an order each month vs Switch stores, try our brand
If you're interested vs If you see what I see
Upline/downline vs Support team and customer base or team
Show the plan vs present the concept
Break a Director vs develop a Director

Take a little time through the holidays to get back in touch with your WHY. Are you interested? Or Committed? Failure cannot cope with persistence. Recommit to yourself. Success is when preparedness meets opportunity.

Thanks to Paulette and Ed for continuing to lead the charge during this time. I know there are many of us that intently follow their lead, and that if anyone's earned a big long break, it's them! So thanks again for leading from the front. We're getting the's not about US!

Have a great week everyone!!

Dec 20 Podcast - CLICK HERE

Monday, December 13, 2010

48 Hour Follow up - How To

48 Hour Follow up - critical to the process. This is the glue. Paulette's 11 point checklist for these - if you've been skipping the 48 Hour Followup step, and/or doing a shoddy one, and you care about having a strong flourishing business, review this call and GET GOOD at this piece.

Paulette made a great point right at the outset of this call. The real work begins with the stuff AFTER enrollment. Figure out where you stand up front with your new category 2 or 3 by doing a solid 48 Hour Followup.

The 48 Hour Followup is always best done in person if possible. Launch the 48 hour followup with a conversation - the "Let's keep it real" conversation that Paulette is so good at. For the nitty gritty of that conversation, go review the recording and take some of your own notes!  I'll also post a the doc here that she mentions in this call - go get and print off a copy!

Dec 13 Podcast - CLICK HERE
48 Hour Followup doc - CLICK HERE

As Paulette reminded us... Goals load the gun, action pulls the trigger!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Motivation and Language

The People Code by Dr Taylor Hartman

People's motives dictate their behavior - this book will help you figure out people. Go get it!

The language we use throughout every step of the process is very important. Here's a good sampling of things NOT to say:

Classic MLM language:
-Business Opportunity
-Place an order
-Get all your friends to join
-Come to a meeting
-Get involved
-Get Customers

Become more aware of your language - work on it. Here are some healthy alternatives:

Switch stores
Won't change your budget
Support team
Old money
Try our brand
See if you see what I see
Introduce people to the brand
Educate consumers on the value of our brand
Best of science, best of nature

Build from the Mission Statement! So much of this business is about saying the right they know what we are and what we aren't, but it's also about timing and numbers. A "No" is only a no if they know what they're saying no to (they've seen a full presentation).

Leadership is "Let's go". Managing people is "You go".

The next company sponsored Power hour is tomorrow night - lead!

Dec 6th Podcast - Listen Here

Monday, November 29, 2010

Your personal inventory + 4 Simple Things

2 days till the end of the month - lots can happen in 2 days!

Are you in the convincing business, or in the educating people on the value of our brand business? There's a difference between telling and selling. Most people believe that "selling" requires hype, and most don't want to "sell".

How does Ed start a presentation? Listen to the call and be ready to take notes! :)

"Mud" that gets people stuck:
- Over analyzation
- Being in "convincing mode"

4 Simple Things:
Make a connection (We are in a people business)
Paint the big picture (tell not sell)
Help people DREAM (get them to set a goal...that they too can win at this)
Keep everything simple!

This is ..."anyway dollars" + people!
People telling people, people helping people.

Learn how to take your you can help others take theirs!

Nov 29 Podcast - Listen Here!

Monday, November 22, 2010

Passion and what NOT to assume around the holidays!

No matter what, end the month with a personally enrolled Director!

Placement - golden rule, lake front property doesn't go to someone unless they've gotten a pacesetter pack.  If you have people you've been coaching, YOU must protect their front line real estate.  Leaders must be placed high and tight.  Help your newbies understand strategy behind placement.

Don't assume...
...don't assume Uncle Joe is "set"
...don't assume your aunt wouldn't want to know Melaleuca is having one of their best years ever
...don't assume your sibling wouldn't want to know about the November incentive

How did Ed build soooo fast?  PASSION!  Passion will defeat talent every time! (Passion is more important than talent.)  Some of us forget that we have this amazing company in our laps right an economy where people wake up wondering who's next on the chopping block...stressed feeling a need to over perform to keep the job they have...etc

Your business partner is a Billion dollar wellness manufacturer!

Build event to event - Director Dinners, January Launch..all coming up!  Never go alone to any event!

So much more good stuff, I couldn't type fast enough!  If you missed this call, go review the recording now!

Nov 22 Podcast - Listen here!

Monday, November 15, 2010

Coaching, Approach work, Definition of "No"

Great call for anyone wanting to be a better coach!  Lots of nitty gritty covered today. Are your people treating this like a business?  You are leading by example (making it even more critical that we (the coaches) spend out time in the right places).  Something as simple as setting proper business hours is so important.

Busy work vs Income producing activities - As coaches, we all have to stay on top of this.  Don't fall into busy work!  There's really only 3 things we're supposed to be doing:

  1. Approaching - setting appointments
  2. Introducing people to Melaleuca - doing full presentations
  3. Coaching - helping people get off to a fast start, 48 hour follow up, teaming up 

Operating from the mission statement is two-fold:
Enhance OTHER people's lives by helping them reach their goals.
It's not about you!

Stay away from convincing and begging mode - if you are bothering and begging, how is that about other people?  Inviting mode = Paulette's good cook analogy is so good...listen to the recording :)  Watch your energy!  Those that are frustrated or struggling often have posture issues.  To make $500/mo in interest you'd need to have $125,000 in an account somewhere making 5% (good luck finding that in this economy!)  Our average Director 3 outperforms that!

What is the definition of a no?
A no is only a no when you or your support team has done a full presentation....and then your prospect said no.

Don't let your heart get in the way of your head - keep your approach simple and get off the phone fast!

Nov 15 Podcast - click here!!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Aha moments recounted, The Business Plan, Posture

Shalane Flanagan finished 2nd in the New York City Marathon! Her runner up finish is the best finish by an American woman since 1990! A very happy and loyal customer for the past 3 years, our brand has gotten some nice publicity through Shalane!

The Business Plan is PACESETTER PACKS. Learn to love the monotony! It's normal to hit resistance - when that comes, stay in the teaching/educating mode, don't go to dragging mode :) We are teachers of teachers, and leaders of leaders!

An "Aha Moment" of Eds': All throughout the conversation, presentation, pre-talk, post-talk...get that interaction and agreement going with: "Does that make sense to you?" or "Doesn't that make sense to you?" (Listen to the archived call for more context, this is a great one!!)

Are you using the Getting Started CD set from the company in your business?

Sequence on closing properly, Ed and Paulette's experience:
At this point, your prospect has seen Delivering Wellness up to the Category choice page. To be clear, they have NOT seen the Value/Career/Pacesetter pack page...

We close BEFORE the prospect sees the Value/Career/Pacesetter pack page.
Paperwork: Do the green form first! Hand them the pen, always have them fill it out. "How would you like your name to read on the checks?"

Moving from the paperwork back to the presentation you'll still be on the category page and the transition then to the pack page for any Cat 2s and 3s by saying something like: "This is what the 2s and 3s do in my group."

Great mindset from Paulette:
"My job is to educate you on the quality of this brand (we don't sell, we don't hire salespeople)."

This is another one of those've GOTTA hear it, especially the last several minutes!

Nov 8 Podcast - Listen here!

Monday, November 1, 2010

November Announcements, Assist Bonuses explained, and the Holiday mindset!

Announcements - of course it's the 1st of November, so if you haven't yet go check your business center out, listen to the first of the month call if you haven't yet!

Power Hour coming up on the 4th - if you haven't participated yet, make sure to get there, the energy and excitement is so great and really helps people pick up the phone and take action immediately!

Assist Bonuses - Ed and Paulette lay out the strategy to really leverage those and how to treat those day to day. Apply this to your business right away!!

What to do about the upcoming holidays? Get some perspective from Ed, Paulette and Jeff about the proper mindset and approach over the holidays. Really amazing people have started during the holiday season, and so many stories of people running through the ranks!

REMEMBER: The "Holidays" are just a FEW DAYS...they are not a month or two!

Rally your leaders, make sure everyone understands the numbers here. This is a huge tool the company's given us to grab tons of market share through November and December. Use this doc from Ed and Paulette to understand and to be able to explain the math: CLICK HERE

November 1st Podcast - Click here

Monday, October 25, 2010

This Great Recession - What is our role?

Announcements: First things First Director Celebration Dinners! Must RSVP, check Get with anyone in your team that's close to Director and help them make sure they get it done so they can celebrate with us!

Good to Great Team = special seating, lots of thoughts and strategy around this new regular monthly event sponsored by the company. Good stuff!

The Great Recession is in full swing - so many unemployed, so many underemployed, and so many amazing people! Everybody's cheese has moved...which really feeds our Power Hour success! Don't be shy making those calls guys - this is OUR time to swing into action and help!!

The last 20 minutes of today's call was all about VALUE. Have you lost a customer or two this month? Last month? What can we do to help retain customers? This call is a MUST LISTEN. Paulette spells it out so clearly - not a sales gimmick, we are such a better deal than Crest, Colgate, Suave, Windex, Bleach, etc, etc, etc.

Oct 25 Podcast - Click here! 

Monday, October 18, 2010

SELC Highlights, reports from Execs, Mela backing Director Dinners!

Approximately 500 Corporate and Executive Directors converged on Lake Las Vegas last weekend, and Paulette gave us a report on today's call! Lots of fun detail about how great the company is at valuing their leaders, along with some interesting facts and figures:

• 2,300 employees in the US alone
• 958,000 sq feet of manufacturing space
• 546 US & International Registered Trademarks
• 23 US Patents – 22 more Patent-Pending
• 350 Proprietary Formulas
We own all our formulas

Direct Sales Companies in the US
• 300-400 New Start Ups each year
• Fewer than 1 per year last more than 1 year
• We are on target to have one of the top 3 BEST years ever--!!

If you missed the call live, go listen to the recording! One of the things I came away with was the thought on a 90 day push - the idea that new leaders don't have permission to come up for air and reflect until that 90 day mark. Rather than evaluating progress all the time on the way to Director, this strategy puts a new leader's focus on advancing and building as quickly as possible for 90 days. I'm interested in hearing more on this strategy from Ed and Paulette in the near future!

Also looking forward to details coming out from Melaleuca on their backing of the Crescenzo's famous "Director Dinners". Eager to implement that in our business here!

Great quote that got flashed on the big screens at the event last weekend:
Challenge is inevitable, failure is optional.

Love it! Today's was a fun call - grab the podcast, or click the play button below!

Oct 18 Podcast, click here!

Monday, October 11, 2010

Support and Placement strategy, psychology, reasoning

Product updates - the field asked for it, and the company responded! The limited offering was so popular, Lemon Blossom Sol-U-Mel is not a permanent part of our product line.

Pro-flex 20 - big update there, listen in all the info. A great product has gotten much better and is now $13 cheaper!! What's the difference between Attain and Pro-flex? Paulette gave lots of great info on this products, go listen if you missed it!

Where's Melaleuca going? Ed has great commentary on this today!

What is support? If you are part of the "Support Team", what are your responsibilities? How about Placement strategy and psychology? Get your checklist from this call!

This call will be leveraged by many because of the extensive conversation around support responsibilities including placement strategies and the psychology and reasoning behind all of that. This will be a time saver for lots of us!! Thanks Paulette and Ed for another solid call!

Oct 11 Podcast - Click here!

Kristian Hoenicke

Monday, October 4, 2010

Be the Captain of your team!

Ed and Paulette discuss the October promotions and the best strategy and mindset involved.  The Event to Event energy building each month during this time of year is amazing and crucial to having your business pick up and/or keep momentum.  This is the BEST quarter of the year for building our business, listen to this call if you missed it for great nuts and bolts discussion on some foundational stuff!

Category 2s - what is the right way to bring them in?  Paulette's great analogy about building a house works so well for this topic.  Even if you're building a small house, part time, blueprints are still needed, as are hammer and nails!  Bottom line - Category 2s should be treated as part time Category 3s!

Ideas to help you as a leader implement the Weekly Leadership Connection Call as a launching pad for your teams' week. Team up on this, involve your people, and email reports to  We should be leading with and leveraging this call every week with our teams - emailing/texting isn't enough!

Oct 4 Podcast link

Kristian Hoenicke

Monday, September 27, 2010

All about Closing - The Words, The Process

Ed and Paulette work through the close, step by step, beginning on page 35.  For anyone wanting to know specifically how the pros get people started, you gotta listen in and take good notes!

In closing, a big part of our job is to be non-threatening while gathering more information.  The category page is BRILLIANT.  When used correctly, ANYONE can build this business. 

Definition of Categories:
1 = Customer...someone that is not identifying themselves as a business person.  Sometimes resistant to starting with a Career or Value pack.
2 = A business minded person, someone who is willing to invest 5-15 hours per week, who is ready to set some goals and work out a business plan.
3 = A business minded person, someone with lots of time and energy to throw at this, who is ready to set some goals and work out a business plan.
(Business plan = Pacesetter Pack, Doing it on Purpose)

Are we treating the Category 2s like glorified customers?  Or like part-time business builders?!  Another epiphany day at the weeklylc!  2s and 3s need to be treated the same!  Both need tools to build their business with us - part time or full time doesn't change that.  Paulette talked about building a small house, part time, or a big house full time...need tools either way to get the job done.

Be prepared to take notes on both the process of closing, and the words - very good nuts and bolts conversation today!

September 27th Podcast - Closing, the words and process
Alternate Podcast link

Let's have a great week!  Just a few days left in September!!
Kristian Hoenicke

Monday, September 20, 2010

Back to the basics!

Question of the day: Am I hearing...really hearing...listening...understanding and living the coaching and guidance offered every week through this call? 
Two great guests on the call today, both had epiphanies having to do with really basic things that have been discussed at length time and time again...I think lots of listeners probably had epiphanies of their own today!

Ed and Paulette covered (in great detail) some of the basics on today's call.  Do you ever work with anyone who doesn't have these 3 things?

Coachable - would you work with someone who's not coachable? 
Heart - Do they care about anyone but them?  Do they buy into the mission statement? 
WHY? - What is their why?  If it's all about money, it's not strong.

This isn't about us, this is about coaching people well.  In the last 10 minutes of today's call, Eddie walked through a great analogy, one of the best I've heard (be ready to take notes!). I'll be using this analogy today!

Email to let Ed and Paulette know you HEARD them today, with a report on how what decisions/phone calls were made because of the call today!

September 20th Podcast!  If you have any issues with that link, try this: Alternate link

Have a great week!
Kristian Hoenicke

Monday, September 13, 2010

The numbers behind Senior Director

How soon do you want to get to Senior Director (or develop your next SD)?  Ed and Paulette go through the math on Senior.  Learn the math and teach it to your group using this call.  Great stuff!

Ed had an interesting week this past week and takes time to share what he's learned from lots of feedback from the field.  Topic?  Pacesetter packs - even if this isn't a problem for you, it's a problem for some in your group!  Listen, and share this with people in your group!  This goes hand in hand with the math on Senior, one of the best conversations I've heard on the topic.

The last 5 minutes of today's call were AMAZING.  Go listen!

September 13th Podcast

Let's do it on purpose this week!  (Thanks Ed!!)
Kristian Hoenicke

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Get em dreamin! (Ed's notes!!)

Hi all!  Hope everyone had a safe Labor Day weekend!

We're over 20% done with September already...can you believe it?

Here's the doc from Ed - I'm printing it and taking it on my appointments this week to learn it!


Our Weekly Leadership Connection calls will resume September 13th - hear ya there!
Kristian Hoenicke

Monday, August 30, 2010

Assembling the Team w/Jeff Stutz

Paulette and Jeff (Stutz) lead today's call.  My sense is this will be HUGE for me in building my business moving forward.  How about you?

Understand that most people's cheese has moved.  As Paulette says, there is a plethora of amazing individuals out there who have great business minds ...many who have been displaced (their cheese has moved) in this economy.  The fields are ripe!  There has never in our lifetimes been a better time to be out talking with and engaging your best and most successful contacts.

August 30th Podcast
Alternate link for recording

There will be no call next Monday (Labor Day), so we'll hear you all September 13th for our next weekly Leadership Connection Call.

Have a great week!
Kristian Hoenicke

Monday, August 23, 2010

Pacesetter Packs and Delivering Wellness Presentation pointers!

GREAT story to kick this week's call off - if you missed it, listen to the recording:  August 23rd Podcast

Have your Delivering Wellness presentation book out and in front of you, along with a place to take notes!  Own this, make it yours, practice your presentation, your close!  Listen again and again if needed, this is critical!

As promised, Ed & Paulette's Top Ten Reasons NOT to sell Pacesetter Packs!

Kristian Hoenicke

Monday, August 16, 2010

August 16th Post convention Weekly LC Call!

The foundation has been built!  25 amazing years!  Make sure you get to a local Launch Meeting - go to your Business Center, scroll down a little and look for the banner that will take you to the look up tool.

Lots of updates from convention!  Listen to the call to get all the info!!  August 16th Podcast!

Click here for our Director this Month worksheet (Our tweaked version!)

Go listen and let's have an amazing week!!

Monday, August 9, 2010

August 9 Leadership Connection Call - Who do I work with?

Really good call this morning!  Paulette and Eddie answered lots of great questions and covered things from Pacesetter packs to 48 hour followups to how to take an inventory to personal balance!  Tons of solid info, be ready to take notes!

3 days till convention!   See ya there!!

Monday, August 2, 2010

August 2 Weekly Leadership Connection Call

The 34th Leadership Connection call with special guest John Cosentino!

With the iPad announcement and incentive and Convention less than 2 weeks  Focus on ACTIVITY.  If you haven't listened to the First of the Month Melaleuca call, go do that now: 712-432-0420

August is a huge opportunity for all of us!  The special guest this morning is great - what a great story!  Talk about posture and belief, wow.  August 2nd Podcast!

Monday, July 26, 2010

July 26th Weekly Leadership Call - Matrix Placement

What you do duplicates!  Convention is right around the corner - do you have all your plans nailed down?

Today's Topic:
Understanding Matrix Placement - where do we place people and why?

Teaching your team to think - look at the numbers:
Remember, YOU are the only one that gets to count your 7th level.  So the best possible scenario is to place a leader on your front line.
Watch this:
***Front line placement allows a payout on 19,530 total customers from that leader.
***2nd level placement loses you 80% of the possibility dropping the total number to 3905.
***3rd level placement loses you 96% of the possibility, going all the way down to 780.

The deeper you place a leader, the more dramatic the dive in total possibility. Worth thinking about? Re-listen to the leadership call from today, and make sure to get it out to your leaders.

Q. Who goes in the very first position (when you're brand new)?
A. Start your friends and family leg (Ed's commentary is brilliant on this)

The only people that should be on your front line (beyond the start of your family & friends leg) are people who circle category 2 or 3 and start with Pacesetter Packs.  They must be coachable and scheduling appointments and in-homes out of the gate.

Don't promise anyone in your team that you're going to place a leader in their organization.  For many reasons - again Paulette's and Eddie's commentary on this point is great.

Today's call is a BIG deal.  Save this, use this, teach this!  July 26th Podcast

*****Click here for a document on HOW to move your customers in your Matrix!***** 

Monday, July 19, 2010

July 19 Leadership Connection Call

Paulette's notes:
*Big sense of urgency for the next 36 hours...the deadline for July All Star is tomorrow night.  McKay is the trainer for this month's All Star, and his topic is why we are different than MLM! Go get your 4!!
*Email to be used by everyone to communicate with us: Please email us questions, ideas for topics to be discussed and feedback - thanks!

Maria Mosca and Michelle Nordlund are guests for today!  Not giving this away, go listen!  July 19th Podcast!   Funny thing about the "Chicken List" ...those tend to be exactly the people we are looking for!  This is a really exciting, encouraging call!

Have a great week!

Monday, July 12, 2010

July 12 Leadership Connection call

Today's topic: The Approach! July 12th Podcast!

Like Eddie says, the hardest part is getting someone to sit down and listen. When you approach someone, you are doing them a FAVOR. Do you believe that? What's your mindset as you approach people? Your posture must be strong as you pick up the phone or go to make an approach.

If your posture is lacking, remember..that's an "inside job", and you must take action to increase your posture (listen back to an LC call, MyMelaleuca, the BEST series, call your enroller, etc). Your mindset WILL come out in your approach!

What is a NO?
A no is only a no when you have done a full presentation. (They don't know what they're saying no to if they haven't seen what we have.)

Loved this from Ed...on helping a newbie make their initial list: What if I gave ya $10 per person you write down? Could ya come up with a list of 200 people you know that brush and wash? Think about it...everyone you know is already somebody's customer! We don't sell anything! We try to educate people on the value of our brand! Like Frank says - we don't want to hurt Procter & Gamble, we just want to take all their customers!

This is a GREAT call to hang onto and use with your team on an ongoing basis! Be ready to take notes on this one...lots of meat!!

Listen here:
July 12 Podcast!

Let's have a great week!

Monday, June 28, 2010

Leadership Connection call June 28 - Posture Pie!

Paulette and Eddie work through some of the emails submitted to from Directors through Directors 3. If you missed the call, you missed the recipe for Posture Pie! Grab your notebook and a pen and take your business to the next level! One of my favorite LC calls to date - you nail this and you have what you need for Exec!

Take your own inventory - do you have every ingredient?  Get the doc here!

June 28 Podcast!

June's over in about 60 hours! The next Leadership Connection call will be July 12th - hope to hear ya there, have a safe 4th of July!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Leadership Connection call info and time

With so many people flooding into Melaleuca all the time, it makes sense to have the team schedule posted here!

So if you're new to Melaleuca, or even just new to the Weekly Leadership Connection call, then WELCOME! Put this on your calendar, and we'd love to have you attend live each week if possible!

Every Monday morning, 8am PDT/11am EDT
Dial: 212-990-8000 pin 2075#

Hear ya there!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Some of the Archive coming together...

This is the June 14 Leadership Connection call that featured Maria Mosca and her piece on how to handle the transition into the 3rd video clip in our presentation. If you missed this, GO LISTEN NOW! It's SO helpful and will increase your enrollment ratio tremendously!

June 14th Podcast!

June 7th's Leadership Connection call had a VERY special guest, McKay Christensen, who got us all up to speed on a big event in California with some great news for any and all building in the Latino market. Ed and Paulette covered Part 2 of the Delivering Wellness walk through started May 24th also!

June 7th Podcast!

The May 24th Leadership Connection call was the beginning of Ed and Paulette's focus on our presentation. Stepping through Delivering Wellness page by page, video clip by video clip. Sure to help you improve your presentation and new enrollment ratio!

May 24th Podcast!

That's all I've got available for Podcast right now - the rest is still available in our Master Archive doc. If you need a copy of that, please send an email to

Have a great rest of the week!

Monday, June 21, 2010

Leadership Connection call June 21

Great call today! Laser focused on Pacesetter packs and how to duplicate the success had by the biggest businesses in the company, doing and teaching this to your group.

For all of you with smart phones, iPods, etc:

June 21 Podcast!

To download an MP3 file of this call:

That should about cover it! I'll begin working on the archive files to put as many as I can available for us all here. Enjoy!