This is the June 14 Leadership Connection call that featured Maria Mosca and her piece on how to handle the transition into the 3rd video clip in our presentation. If you missed this, GO LISTEN NOW! It's SO helpful and will increase your enrollment ratio tremendously!
June 14th Podcast!
June 7th's Leadership Connection call had a VERY special guest, McKay Christensen, who got us all up to speed on a big event in California with some great news for any and all building in the Latino market. Ed and Paulette covered Part 2 of the Delivering Wellness walk through started May 24th also!
June 7th Podcast!
The May 24th Leadership Connection call was the beginning of Ed and Paulette's focus on our presentation. Stepping through Delivering Wellness page by page, video clip by video clip. Sure to help you improve your presentation and new enrollment ratio!
May 24th Podcast!
That's all I've got available for Podcast right now - the rest is still available in our Master Archive doc. If you need a copy of that, please send an email to
Have a great rest of the week!
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