Monday, July 12, 2010

July 12 Leadership Connection call

Today's topic: The Approach! July 12th Podcast!

Like Eddie says, the hardest part is getting someone to sit down and listen. When you approach someone, you are doing them a FAVOR. Do you believe that? What's your mindset as you approach people? Your posture must be strong as you pick up the phone or go to make an approach.

If your posture is lacking, remember..that's an "inside job", and you must take action to increase your posture (listen back to an LC call, MyMelaleuca, the BEST series, call your enroller, etc). Your mindset WILL come out in your approach!

What is a NO?
A no is only a no when you have done a full presentation. (They don't know what they're saying no to if they haven't seen what we have.)

Loved this from Ed...on helping a newbie make their initial list: What if I gave ya $10 per person you write down? Could ya come up with a list of 200 people you know that brush and wash? Think about it...everyone you know is already somebody's customer! We don't sell anything! We try to educate people on the value of our brand! Like Frank says - we don't want to hurt Procter & Gamble, we just want to take all their customers!

This is a GREAT call to hang onto and use with your team on an ongoing basis! Be ready to take notes on this one...lots of meat!!

Listen here:
July 12 Podcast!

Let's have a great week!

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