Monday, July 26, 2010

July 26th Weekly Leadership Call - Matrix Placement

What you do duplicates!  Convention is right around the corner - do you have all your plans nailed down?

Today's Topic:
Understanding Matrix Placement - where do we place people and why?

Teaching your team to think - look at the numbers:
Remember, YOU are the only one that gets to count your 7th level.  So the best possible scenario is to place a leader on your front line.
Watch this:
***Front line placement allows a payout on 19,530 total customers from that leader.
***2nd level placement loses you 80% of the possibility dropping the total number to 3905.
***3rd level placement loses you 96% of the possibility, going all the way down to 780.

The deeper you place a leader, the more dramatic the dive in total possibility. Worth thinking about? Re-listen to the leadership call from today, and make sure to get it out to your leaders.

Q. Who goes in the very first position (when you're brand new)?
A. Start your friends and family leg (Ed's commentary is brilliant on this)

The only people that should be on your front line (beyond the start of your family & friends leg) are people who circle category 2 or 3 and start with Pacesetter Packs.  They must be coachable and scheduling appointments and in-homes out of the gate.

Don't promise anyone in your team that you're going to place a leader in their organization.  For many reasons - again Paulette's and Eddie's commentary on this point is great.

Today's call is a BIG deal.  Save this, use this, teach this!  July 26th Podcast

*****Click here for a document on HOW to move your customers in your Matrix!***** 

Monday, July 19, 2010

July 19 Leadership Connection Call

Paulette's notes:
*Big sense of urgency for the next 36 hours...the deadline for July All Star is tomorrow night.  McKay is the trainer for this month's All Star, and his topic is why we are different than MLM! Go get your 4!!
*Email to be used by everyone to communicate with us: Please email us questions, ideas for topics to be discussed and feedback - thanks!

Maria Mosca and Michelle Nordlund are guests for today!  Not giving this away, go listen!  July 19th Podcast!   Funny thing about the "Chicken List" ...those tend to be exactly the people we are looking for!  This is a really exciting, encouraging call!

Have a great week!

Monday, July 12, 2010

July 12 Leadership Connection call

Today's topic: The Approach! July 12th Podcast!

Like Eddie says, the hardest part is getting someone to sit down and listen. When you approach someone, you are doing them a FAVOR. Do you believe that? What's your mindset as you approach people? Your posture must be strong as you pick up the phone or go to make an approach.

If your posture is lacking, remember..that's an "inside job", and you must take action to increase your posture (listen back to an LC call, MyMelaleuca, the BEST series, call your enroller, etc). Your mindset WILL come out in your approach!

What is a NO?
A no is only a no when you have done a full presentation. (They don't know what they're saying no to if they haven't seen what we have.)

Loved this from Ed...on helping a newbie make their initial list: What if I gave ya $10 per person you write down? Could ya come up with a list of 200 people you know that brush and wash? Think about it...everyone you know is already somebody's customer! We don't sell anything! We try to educate people on the value of our brand! Like Frank says - we don't want to hurt Procter & Gamble, we just want to take all their customers!

This is a GREAT call to hang onto and use with your team on an ongoing basis! Be ready to take notes on this one...lots of meat!!

Listen here:
July 12 Podcast!

Let's have a great week!