Monday, March 26, 2012

What Is A Business Builder?

Products Are The Business Segment: Paulette goes into Melaleuca’s three part approach to helping relieve people’s suffering during the allergy season. Learn how the combination of the Eco Sense line, Provex Products and CounterAct work together to accomplish this.

Eddie and Paulette define what it really means to find and work with a business builder. It may be surprising to learn that your new enrollee circling the two or three on the enrollment form does not mean you have found a business builder.

Learn how to establish the roles you and the new enrollee will play and what the requirements are for the new enrollee. You need to ask right up front if they are coachable and then proceed to coach them in the correct activities to be successful. As Eddies says today, turn the page to page 37 in the Delivering Wellness Presentation and follow the checklist. It is so important to use the time you and your new business builder have to the best advantage.

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Monday, March 19, 2012

Nuggets from Executive Leadership Council

Products are the business: Paulette begins with a strong discussion on how important Omega 3’s are to help us avoid Alzheimer’s disease or dementia. The number of people afflicted in this country is staggering and we have one of the best Omega 3 supplements on the market.

Paulette is just back from the Standing Executive Leadership Council (SELC) and shares some of what transpired there. First was the proper goal to coach new category two’s and three’s to establish. This goal is to build their team of 50 shoppers and help them achieve Director III as soon as possible. Learn how this practice is significantly changing established businesses.

Next is a sincere discussion on how we talk to ourselves. Paulette shares some personal information on how this practice shaped her life. The exercise she shares with us today can change your attitude, life and business.


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Monday, March 12, 2012

No Call For March 12, 2012

The next call will be on March 19, 2012. Have a great week.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Will You Get There?

Products Are The Business Segment: Paulette highlights the “specials” foldout included in each month’s order. There are expanded savings each month, i.e. this month you can purchase a Spring Cleaning special and receive a 52% savings!

Eddie and Paulette then launch into the serious topic of who will succeed at this business. They are honest about their own challenges along the way. In this training you will learn a new way to approach your goal setting by providing real steps to consider when starting and building this business. Eddie and Paulette are passionate about everyone’s success. They want to see everyone that starts the journey to be successful and to realize the goals that brought them to Melaleuca.

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