Monday, January 28, 2013

Starting New Business Partners Correctly

Products Are The Business Segment: Paulette breaks down the incredible advantage that our Liquid Soaps have over our closest competition, Soft Soap. This time of year is a great time to point out the antibacterial properties available in our products.

Eddie and Paulette start the training today covering a significant change in the Delivering Wellness presentation on page 32. There are only two groups of people, not three, that enroll as Melaleuca customers. It key to understand this distinction and how to use this page to help new customers get started correctly.

Next Eddie and Paulette train on what it takes to help new business partners progress through the Director III and Director IV levels. It is a huge accomplishment to grow into the Director V levels and above. There are specific skills that need to be incorporated into the leadership of our teams in order for everyone to win. Join in today and learn from the masters.

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Monday, January 21, 2013

Treat This Like A Business

Products Are The Business Segment: Paulette covers two products this week, the Sei Bella Enhanced Eye Shadow Primer and the improved Simply Fit Crackers.

Eddie and Paulette continue the discussion they started last week on treating Melaleuca like a business. The training last week generated huge interest and email traffic as I expect this week will also do. Eddie and Paulette open today with step by step instructions on how to use the January Launch DVDs to provide some dynamic personal training meetings. Next is a great discussion on just what your “job” is as you build your business. Join in today and learn how to master what you need to do in order for you to have the 2013 business results that you expect!

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Monday, January 14, 2013

Take Inventory To Ensure A Great 2013

Products Are The Business Segment: Paulette does a great segment on the Sei Bella products in general and the specials for this month.

Eddie and Paulette train today on the beginning of a series they feel is essential to building a successful business. One cannot get different results if one does not take different actions. The first step is to take an honest inventory of the results you have been getting. Have you had the kind of business growth you expected in 2012? If yes, then keep right on doing what you have been doing. If no, then dial in today and begun the process of identifying and changing what needs to be changed. Eddie and Paulette do a wonderful job today using humor and experience to help everyone zero in on identifying where they are not being effective and how to correct the situation. This is a great way to start out 2013 and get your business on track.

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Monday, January 7, 2013

January Launch Announcements!

Eddie and Paulette are fired up today. They launch right into all that was presented at the very well attended launch sites all over the country. There is a lot of excitement over the status of the company, it’s new January emphasis and future plans. There are a plateful of new tools and promotions to help everyone get off to a healthy start for the year both physically and financially. There is too much to list here. Grab a pen and paper and listen in on how two of the top leaders of the company provide their step by step ideas to how best use all that the company has provided. These are exciting times!

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