Thursday, June 27, 2013

How to Grow Your Business by Treating It Like One

Products are the Business: Today’s featured product is ProstAvan and it is offered as a BOGO this month. Paulette describes its attributes and ingredients and why it should be part of the everyday regimen of every man that is thirty-five plus. You’ll hear how and why, right here.

Don’t forget, the June incentives and, most importantly, the extension of $1 memberships until June 30th.

It is frightening how many Americans live from paycheck-to-paycheck and even more that don’t have a minimum emergency fund of $1000. There is a way to take yourself out of that negative statistical pool with the Melaleuca business model.

Ed and Paulette visit the issues involved in treating Melaleuca like a business. It is a solid business discussion that speaks to your commitment as a business developer and the rules and disciplines that must be established and adhered to in order to become and stay successful.

Don’t delay the paperwork, and then chase it later. Don’t kid yourself about your commitment. Are you in? or are you not? Stop worrying about whether the potential customer has the money. Don’t ever think there is a level of achievement you reach where you can stop helping your organization.

A Category 2/3 Business Partner comes in the right way and you have to learn the language to make sure they do. It may be the most complete and candid discussion of this business and your future you have heard to date.
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Monday, June 17, 2013

A Way To Work It Out When Work Outs Don’t Work Out.

Products Are The Business: There is a Sei Bella offer this month that features nearly $14 off the regular price of the Day and Night Cream combination.

Understanding, Paulette tells us, that so many of our customers get in a rut of using (and loving) only five or six products which prevents them from enjoying the complete Melaleuca product experience. This and other special offers are the perfect way to encourage them to give more of our brand a chance to earn their brand loyalty and trust.

Don’t forget that time is a wasting on June $1 enrollments and the HD Challenge, Paulette reminds us.

You’ll also hear from Marketing Executive of the Year Jason Paulin, who with his wife Brooke, have been acknowledged for their advancement to Executive Director VII in less than two years from Senior status. Ed and Jason have some interesting interactions covering topics such as a gentle approach and the logic of Pacesetter entry.

Jason also relates his traditional business ownership, as a personal trainer, its success and subsequent shortcomings. And, not so surprisingly, how the Plan B which Brooke started when they had their first son, Ty, became plan A when the economy sagged in 2008 and 2009 and became a $612,000 recession proof alternative in 2012. You’ll hear the whole impressive and entertaining story right HERE.

Remember, only 331 days to Convention 2014. Does your team have its plan in place?

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Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Don’t Pre-Judge Who Needs Replenex Or Who Wants A Melaleuca Business Of Their Own.

Products Are The Business: Paulette reminds us that the Replenex products are currently available at 2 for twenty dollar bottles for only $30. A savings of $10. And remember, Replenex is not only for maturing adults with joint aches and pains due to aging, it is just as effective for active, younger adults in the 20s, 30s and 40s who are involved in any number of sports and athletic activities. Memberships for June enrollments remain only $1 until June 20th.

Speaking of new enrollments, most of us create unwarranted anxiety about approaching potential new customers. Find out how a simple word change can make it easier and more effective. Recall that these products help people and by showing them Melaleuca, you are helping them. Just invite them to try.

Ed says be very aware and sensitive about pre-judging. Everyone can be a Melaleuca customer and most can profit from a residual income producing business. He shares a great story involving a “stalled” business developer named Ashley who thinks her story stinks and has no posture. She is mistaken and we can all see ourselves in her discovery to the contrary.

Cisco Holland reveals an effective paradigm shift he uses in his Business Networking group. He now uses his presentation invitation as a solicitation for referrals from the group. By taking the “pressure off” of the invite, he has found that many of his associates, don’t just refer…they enroll. That and lots of other interesting, business building stuff is right Here for you to Hear.

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Monday, June 3, 2013

The President Of Melaleuca Shares Information, Inspiration and Incentives.

Paulette could not join us today. She made a commitment to aid a friend and that is what successful Melaleuca business owners do…keep their commitments to their people.
Products Are The Business: In Paulette’s absence, we were honored with the participation and contribution of McKay Christiansen, President of Melaleuca. And, boy, did he cover products. The existing ones, the brand new ones and the plans we have for breaking through with future products.
McKay shared the new incentives, as well. June ONE DOLLAR enrollments and the HD Challenge in which business leaders and their team members, can win a new Kindle Fire HD, as an additional tool in your technology portfolio (Melaleuca app available that allows you to access: presentations, product catalogs, Leadership in Action archives and more). Listen to all the details, right here.
McKay also spoke of some startling demographic realities, like less than 40% of baby boomers are going to have the ability to financially support themselves in retirement. What could a Melaleuca business do for them? Isn’t this “helping others”?
Thanks, McKay, for your generous sharing of your time and, most of all, the critical information that will be great “business fuel” for all that shared in this week’s call.
Cisco Holland (Boston, MA) shares some additional details about the Kindle Fire HD and the HD Challenge promotion and Ed Bestoso has a heartwarming story about a lady in his organization named Ashley, that got a text that makes it all worthwhile. Helping people today reaps rewards and gratitude, tomorrow and forever.
It’s all, Right on Target and it’s all Right Here for you to share.

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