Monday, February 24, 2014

Children’s Vitamins For Health and Baby Steps For Success.

Products are the Business: Today Paulette talked about Melaleuca’s children’s vitamins Koala Pals and Shakeables. There is little difference, but there is SOME, Paulette tells all about it as well as, why good nutrition and a lot less sugar is critical to the proper physical, intellectual and emotional development of our kids.

Paulette attended the recent S.E.L.C. in Orlando and shared a new accommodation that the company will be making, when you have a preferred customer cancel very late in the month. Their cancellation will be immediate, but the cancellation will not be reflected in your business report ‘til the following month, allowing you to quickly replace them without affecting your personal Melaleuca status. 

She also shares all the fun that Frank treated all of the attendees to share at Universal Studios and throughout the meeting. Great reasons to increase your status and join in on the fun. 

Special guest Director IV Lisa Carvalho had a great conversation with Paulette and shared her story of enrolling, leaving, then coming back when she realized Melaleuca was a first choice, not a last hope. 

Lisa was incredibly genuine as she told us of her experiences of expelling the negative effect of her father (now passed) making her believe she would never amount to anything. 

Lisa said that one of her litmus tests was to find out if a new enrollee wanted a hobby or a business. She also related a conversation with Ed Bestoso where he asked if she was coachable and how she put that conversation into action.  She also shared a neat analogy how she asks her new enrollments where they see Melaleuca fitting in their life: are they walkers, joggers or runners. 

Paulette informs us of the nearly two years work that has been done on a Team Bestoso project, that was developed originally exclusively for Team Bestoso, but has been so good for so many that it will now be made available to anyone who is a member with a dream of a solid Melaleuca business. The link for more information is on this blog for you. A “don’t miss”.

Click here to download… 

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