Monday, September 15, 2014

Amino Boost, As You Exercise, Or As You Age

Products are the Business: Today, Paulette gives us a wonderful presentation and analysis of one of Melaleuca’s newest products: Vitality Elevate Amino Boost. She explains the differences between the “branched chain” amino acids in Boost and the amino acids that our bodies naturally produce and the added advantage of 3g of Glutamine. Amino Boost can help, whether you are a vigorous exerciser or are, simply, just an active adult.

The September monthly incentives include the opportunity to reach Pacesetter status without purchasing a Value or Home Conversion Pack and you can reach CORE mentoring while you achieve Director III in September. All the information and details are right here for you to share and benefit from.

Ed starts our business development with the re-reading of a recent MGGG e-mail that talks about the value of helping others and the difference it makes in understanding the discrimination between “selling”, which we don’t do, and “helping”, which we do. Paulette and Eddie, then speak in depth, about the Matrix and the importance of being scrupulous with the way you allocate the precious pieces of “real estate” within it. Paulette includes a great example of a challenge she had recently convincing an enroller, that premium placement of a new and energized 2, was not a proper way to reward his parents. The discussion is not only interesting, but also vital to your Melaleuca success.

Finally, we were informed of many changes and updates to the MGGG system, all with the purpose of making this indispensable tool even more user-friendly and valuable to its subscribers. As an example, Cisco Holland will host a webinar, this evening at 9p on using social media, which will air live and be included into the target marketing tools, thereafter. All the info is on the blogspot.

There are 248 days until Convention 2015. Continue (or begin!) your planning, today.

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