Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Consequences Of Cosmetics and Conclusions About Great Leadership

Products are the Business: Paulette talks about Sei Bella nail polishes and their absence of toxins. She goes on to explain the dangers of inhaling and absorbing the toxins (the terrible trio), in traditional beauty products. She explains it all right here, including the wonderful Sei Bella offerings.

Enrolling with a $73 free bonus Peak Performance Pack should make growing our business in February a lot easier. Ed talks about the double-up bonus and Paulette reminds us about the Atlantis Getaway Contest. And remember, your January enrollments can enroll through February at only $1!

It is time to step up and change. Only you can do it. Change and grow, Paulette tells us, the enemy of “great” is always “good”. Be a GREAT leader and don’t settle for being good. A good leader has goals; a great leader has vision. Real vision produces resolve and resolve creates success. Paulette shares some quotes to illustrate, Then she and Ed discuss the things that great leaders do, in 9 simple steps. Ed reminds us, these changes should not be attempted all at once, but a step at a time.

You will hear about: Vision, Your Why, Prospecting, Scheduling and Communication, Celebration, Punctuality and Dependability, Involvement, Targeting your next successful leader, and finally, Developing your next successful leader to develop other leaders. This is an all-inclusive discussion that you won’t want to miss, if you plan to be a GREAT leader.

Lucky Strike Bonus: Paulette shares and article about stress and how pervasive it is in all of us. It affects our health and it is a perfect reason to talk to people about our Peak Performance products and the Melaleuca business model.

Look for upcoming webinars here on the blogspot, including Thursday night’s “Why CDM is not MLM”, and more. 101 days until Convention 2015. People’s lives change here; will you allow us to change yours?

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