Monday, December 27, 2010

3 Things to Avoid & the Power Team of 4

How are you promoting the January Launch? Imagine having 20 people on your team bringing 2 each (or a more applicable number based on the size of your business right now). We get a new start in 2011, let's start it off strong!

Recommit to the WHY, WHAT and HOW:
  • Is your why still the same? And was it strong enough to begin with? Have this conversation with your team - revisit that, get their wheels turning and help them focus on what will get them out of bed and up and at em this whole new year.
  • No matter what attitude. Recommit to your business hours. Focus on productivity. Make a big deal out of your business hours (extra accountability).
  • How will you build your business in 2011? The Game Plan. ...Duplication! Rededicate to the Pacesetter Packs. Learn it, get good at it, improve your posture. Work smarter, not harder this year!
Focus on INCOME PRODUCING ACTIVITIES, and coach your team on the same.

You will have pain - pain of doing it, or pain of the consequences of not doing it.  Let's choose our pain this year!

No amount of travel on the wrong road will bring you to your destination. Are you doing the right things, heading the right direction?

Biggest things to avoid:
  1. Working with people who are not coachable
  2. Dragging and trying to convince
  3. Stop looking at the MORE report every 3 hours
The answer to everything in the new year: Develop more Directors! :)

in 2011...
1. Add one contact per day, and contact one person per day.
Half of the people you reach out to, will look.
30% of those will enroll (company average)
= 9 enrollments per month on the low end!

2. Enroll 2 the right way each month

Two questions to ask yourself every day:  Who's coming in, and who do I personally have goin to Director?

Find committed people - ask:
Are you willing to commit to one contact per day?
Are you willing to do it enroll 2 the right way?

If you have a team of 4 committed to this, then at a minimum you'll have 4 new Directors per month. Pick your team - find out what their WHY is, have everyone write it out along with their commitment to the 2 activities. 

Dec 27 Podcast - CLICK HERE

Monday, December 20, 2010

Gratitude, Holiday business hours and the January Launch! - take a few minutes to post some gratitude!

Weekly Leadership Call continues every week in 2011! We'll see a new 10 minute spot every week where Paulette will highlight a product or two.

THIS is the time of the year to pull out all of the stops and BUILD. At least half of the Corporate Directors @ Melaleuca started their business in December. This is the time of year when serious people get serious.

The January Launch.........make your invite list and start pinging it seriously. Work right up to that event.

The difference between the ordinary and the extraordinary is the little extra :)

Holiday business hours. Some thoughts...many millions don't celebrate Christmas. Many other millions work right up till the eves (Christmas/New Year). Go stimulate relationships and conversations, think of the news we have for all those that are hurting out there. Does the recession go on extended leave over the holidays? Should we??

Watch your language this week!
Wrong language vs Right language
Business Opportunity vs Unique business concept
Place an order each month vs Switch stores, try our brand
If you're interested vs If you see what I see
Upline/downline vs Support team and customer base or team
Show the plan vs present the concept
Break a Director vs develop a Director

Take a little time through the holidays to get back in touch with your WHY. Are you interested? Or Committed? Failure cannot cope with persistence. Recommit to yourself. Success is when preparedness meets opportunity.

Thanks to Paulette and Ed for continuing to lead the charge during this time. I know there are many of us that intently follow their lead, and that if anyone's earned a big long break, it's them! So thanks again for leading from the front. We're getting the's not about US!

Have a great week everyone!!

Dec 20 Podcast - CLICK HERE

Monday, December 13, 2010

48 Hour Follow up - How To

48 Hour Follow up - critical to the process. This is the glue. Paulette's 11 point checklist for these - if you've been skipping the 48 Hour Followup step, and/or doing a shoddy one, and you care about having a strong flourishing business, review this call and GET GOOD at this piece.

Paulette made a great point right at the outset of this call. The real work begins with the stuff AFTER enrollment. Figure out where you stand up front with your new category 2 or 3 by doing a solid 48 Hour Followup.

The 48 Hour Followup is always best done in person if possible. Launch the 48 hour followup with a conversation - the "Let's keep it real" conversation that Paulette is so good at. For the nitty gritty of that conversation, go review the recording and take some of your own notes!  I'll also post a the doc here that she mentions in this call - go get and print off a copy!

Dec 13 Podcast - CLICK HERE
48 Hour Followup doc - CLICK HERE

As Paulette reminded us... Goals load the gun, action pulls the trigger!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Motivation and Language

The People Code by Dr Taylor Hartman

People's motives dictate their behavior - this book will help you figure out people. Go get it!

The language we use throughout every step of the process is very important. Here's a good sampling of things NOT to say:

Classic MLM language:
-Business Opportunity
-Place an order
-Get all your friends to join
-Come to a meeting
-Get involved
-Get Customers

Become more aware of your language - work on it. Here are some healthy alternatives:

Switch stores
Won't change your budget
Support team
Old money
Try our brand
See if you see what I see
Introduce people to the brand
Educate consumers on the value of our brand
Best of science, best of nature

Build from the Mission Statement! So much of this business is about saying the right they know what we are and what we aren't, but it's also about timing and numbers. A "No" is only a no if they know what they're saying no to (they've seen a full presentation).

Leadership is "Let's go". Managing people is "You go".

The next company sponsored Power hour is tomorrow night - lead!

Dec 6th Podcast - Listen Here