Monday, July 8, 2013

A Solid Foundation Is Not Just Good For Make Up. It’s Vital To Your Business Success.

Products are the Business: Today, Paulette talked about two Sei Bella products that are usable by women and men alike and they happen to be a special price in July. You can encourage your customers to explore the Melaleuca product line variety and save them $8 on the “duo” purchase. Why not try them yourself. Remember, Paulette says the more products you and your customers are familiar with the easier it is to recommend to others.

The July incentives are a great opportunity for your May, June and July enrollees to get off to a strong start in their business with up to 10 $1 enrollments available to those folks and a super $25 bonus per new Director developed in your business for Directors 3-9 and a $100 bonus for Senior Directors and above. Click here to find out more.

Ed and Paulette touched on a subject that we have all been guilty of, especially early in our business development. There is nothing that drives away potential customers faster than “pouncing” on them, like a zoo animal.

Consider how much more effective (and efficient) it is to use a curiosity approach. Say something about your work hours being flexible or openly use and display a Melaleuca product or two. Once they ask a question your road to an appointment is easier and less intimidating. Relax and you’ll succeed.

Eddie and Paulette had one of the most informative discussions of a seldom-approached topic which is how to structure your business matrix. An effective foundation in constructing your Melaleuca business can make thousands of dollars in difference to not only your bonuses, but in your recurring monthly income.

The keys? Remove the emotion from your placements. Pay attention to whom is paying attention. And revisit your evaluation and placements from time to time with a critical eye. It’s all about ‘doing it on purpose’ and building leverage into your matrix which will not only help you and your business to thrive, it will allow you to help others you coach as well. But, if you are not teaching it, they will not find it out…they’ll continue to just “wing it” and that’s a waste. Listen in and learn more about how you can help.

Don’t miss the North American Power Hour every Tuesday, for information, motivation and celebration. It’s all here.
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1 comment:

  1. Hi guys,
    Love the info you presented. I'm a new person, not a director yet. Can you give a better overview of how it works. How many generations you have, where to move them. How to move them, when to move them. When you can't. Describe someone starting out and then going through the level to say Senior Director. Hope you can do that, or point to some pdf that give clear easy to understand directions. Love the show. I listen to your show every week (not live though, I get the download once it posted.)

