One-dollar memberships have been extended to August 31 and Ed reminds us that reviewing your placements from time to time will “tune up” your organization and make a difference in your business and your income.
Ed and Paulette touched on the realities of summer coming to an end. Yes there will be kids to get back to school, but it also means that those credit card bills from the vacation have to be paid and plans for Christmas take money, too. That $300, $400 or $800 a month from your Melaleuca business will go a long way in helping with all of those.
Speaking of summer coming to an end, remember September, October and November are the busiest enrollment months for you so use those August incentives and prepare those August “newbies” for a very fertile business cycle.
Interesting discussion on the 12 Success Factors; No one else has them but Melaleuca. Review them, learn them well (and when to use them) and teach them to your team. Ed tells you why it works and how it works.
Make plans NOW for Convention. And don’t forget next week is Labor Day, so there will be no Leadership Connection call. Next call, September 9th. Be safe and grow.