Monday, June 30, 2014

Products For The Sunny Days And Great Info for Sunny Business Skies.

Products are the Business: Today’s product is a timely offer from Melaleuca, the Summer Sun Pack special (product #4742). At only $29.99, it is a great way to buy 4 useful and necessary summer products and get a really cool Sun Shades beach bag, too. Paulette tells us all about the reasons we need them, and all about each product.

Our current incentives are coming to an end, so “button up” your month. You have until tonight at midnight to enroll for $1 and qualify for Phase I (2 new quality enrollments) of your Pacesetter re-set.

In our business development segment of Leadership Connection #218 (it’s here on the blogspot), Ed and Paulette reviewed pages 1-24 of the Delivering Wellness overview. It covered everything from the Company to the Melaleuca’s unique products. Today’s segment picked up at page 25 and is all about the business…YOUR business.

Ed begins with a great story that illustrates the “keep it simple, sweetie” principle. Keep the Delivering Wellness overview simple enough, so your business team can duplicate it without being overwhelmed. Paulette relates how, even she, has been guilty of being so good that it is bad.

They discuss in DETAIL why the back up order and benefits package should be covered in DETAIL. Moving deftly through the presentation, page by page, as only two skilled and successful professionals can, they cover the paperwork, the close, the 1.2.3. choice, and the wrap up, coachable conversation. This will make you better at all of it.

Finally, the talk about how the Make Green Go Green system can make you more successful - and faster and tell you why you should consider making it part of your follow up with every 2 or 3’s enrollment.

Convention is 318 days away. Start planning NOW with your “travel team”.

All the Delivering Wellness overview webinar information is posted, right here.

As more and more of us achieve success, there are more and more “Leadership Celebrations” being scheduled. Be sure to RSVP for these events and not just “show up” and catch these organizers off guard. Green Pastures.
Click here to download…

Monday, June 23, 2014

HEEEERE’S, Johnny.

There is no “products are the business” segment today, to make time for two guests on this morning’s call.

There is, however, good news this morning about incentives. For aggressive enrollers and for Pacesetter re-setters, $1 memberships will continue until the end of the month of June.

Our business development discussion from last week featured Ed and Paulette reviewing the new Delivering Wellness booklet and presentation. The balance (pages 25+) will be completed on next week’s call so don’t miss it.

This week, we are joined by, the National Vice President of Melaleuca, Johnny Morgison, as our guest. And, Melaleuca business builder and, Make Green Go Green major contributor, Cisco Holland joins us. Our guests join Ed and Paulette for an informative discussion of the “Brand New Day” compensation plan. First, Johnny predicts another “best year in business” for Melaleuca as a result of the adjustments that were made in the compensation and incentives in 2014. He then shares some incredible and positive statistics to support his prediction.

The new compensation plan rewards real leaders. Listening, you will recognize that REAL leadership will translate into a solid business for you. This Q&A will give you great information as you move forward, Things like, the importance of the 5-month, rolling retention index are discussed by Ed and Johnny, also how important the “Learn To Earn” videos are in keeping your RI numbers on the right path. Cisco also touches on the availability of your business report history to help you keep on top of your enrollments and advancements.

Ed shares a letter that will be available to “spark” Learn To Earn veiwership rates, thereby helping your RI percentages or, “retention through education”, as Paulette refers to it. Just listening to the back and forth between these skilled and experienced leaders is inspiring and it will help you understand and succeed. At presentations end, Johnny tells us about a new tool: the “Pacesetter Dashboard” on your M.O.R.E. report. It will let you track the progress of your business’ Pacesetters in real time. Great management tool.

Cisco and Paulette’s Delivering Wellness webinars, as well as Ed’s Learn To Earn letter to enrollees and leaders are all posted here on the BlogSpot

Click here to download…

Suggested Email To Leaders Using Data From Learn To Earn Dashboard

Dear [insert leader name here],

You are probably already aware of this, but I wanted to be sure you are encouraging your enrollers to use the Learn to Earn Dashboard to increase their % of videos watched which in turn increases their retention index.  

From your Learn to Earn Dashboard you can see the customers that have watched less than 4 videos and you can see within the three current months, who have watched no videos.  These enrollers are the ones that I am focusing on. 

Click on the numbers that have watched 0 videos and you can see the enrollers and their customers who have watched none.  I am reaching out to the enrollers via email [which you can access right there in the report] and emailing them a simple note below, listing who in the last three months, have not watched any Learn to Earn Videos.

Dear [insert enroller name here],
You are probably already aware of this but wanted to be sure: [insert names of their customers from report] have not watched any Learn to Earn videos.
Please reach out to them to see if they are familiar with the Learn to Earn videos and how they can earn $100 of free loyalty dollars, by simply viewing these short videos.  If they watch (5) four short videos, they can earn $40.
Thanks for all that you do!

To see the results of these emails, I am checking the website daily and printing the Learn to Earn Dashboard to see how the percentages of people who have watched 4 or more videos have increased.

As you know, this is very important and we want at least 60% of our customers viewing 4 or more videos [if not all of them] as they deliver a nice short way to give information about the company and the products.  I believe if we each begin to reach out to our leaders, we will notice a significant increase of customers watching the Learn to Earn videos and will also help us all with our retention index.

In just a few days, I am already seeing an up-tick in videos being watched. 

Thanks for all you do,

[insert your name here]

Wednesday, June 18, 2014


Did you miss it Sunday nights training???.

View the Recording Below:

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Let A Properly Done Delivering Wellness, Deliver For You.

There is no Product review today because the Business Development segment includes a lot of product discussion, as you will hear.

Incentive discussion is brief, yet to the point. Our $1 memberships as well as our Pacesetter re-sets expire tomorrow (June 17) at midnight.

Our Business Development segment is devoted to a detailed explanation of the first 24 pages of your Delivering Wellness Presentation. Anyone who has heard Ed or Paulette do the Delivering Wellness overview knows that there are probably no two people who can break it down more effectively.

They begin by stressing the importance of telling “your story”. This is a brief discussion of your success, or your goals for it, your why and/or a product story from your own experience. This is the best way to “make yourself real” and let’s your audience relate to you. Then, they proceed page-by-page explaining everything from Melaleuca being a consumer direct marketing business, as opposed to an MLM, to the importance of the concept of just changing stores. They cover everything, including our “shopping aisles”. It is all the best stuff from two of the best people in Melaleuca.

Next week, Ed and Paulette will cover pages 25+, finishing with Melaleuca as a real business, the compensation and the long-term benefits of it all. Cisco Holland will be doing a MakeGreenGoGreen 101, primer webinar, tonight at 9p (EST). All the info is posted right here on the Blogspot.

Don’t wait to collect your travel team for convention 2015. Like your Melaleuca business, the trip will serve you well.

Click here to download…

Tuesday, June 10, 2014


Hi there J

Have you seen the new and improved MelaBrite? They’ve combined natural enzymes with sodium percarbonate which breaks down to hydrogen peroxide to create a strong oxidizer that gets out stains including grape juice, pizza sauce, tea and coffee--!!

PLUS it’s 2x concentrate and is ½ the size of any other product like this on the market--!!

Use 1 pod for regular loads and 2 pods for heavily soiled or extra large loads.  You throw them right into the washer J

You can find lots of detailed information on this awesome new product on our website.

Thank you again for shopping with Melaleuca and being my customer – I appreciate you.

Talk soon,


Monday, June 9, 2014

One Way To Get Cleaner Laundry and 10 Ways To Be Better At Your Business.

Products are the Business: One of Convention 2014’s new introductions is our product, today. Paulette tells us about MelaBrite OXI. It is used as a “pod” and because it is 2X power, the pod is half the size of its competitors. Try it, so you can recommend it…and you will.

Our monthly incentive review is the continuation of $1 memberships, but only until June 17th, which also happens to be the same deadline for your Pacesetter reset. So, if you need to, come out of the summer ether and do it now. Then, get going.

Our business development segment opened with a simple, but important, question: are you setting your goals? “To be successful in your business, you must have them”, Paulette and Eddie tell us. Then, they break down the 10 reasons why you may be having challenges reaching your short term, intermediate and long term goals. You will hear them discuss things like, your why, your resolve, mature sacrifice, writing goals down, clarity, anticipating obstacles, the need for change, giving yourself to a working system like MGGG, the sincerity of your commitment to others, and creating an ACTION plan. Hear it all and heed it all.

Since we all are, either resetting some Pacesetters or resetting ourselves, treat them or yourself like a brand new enrollment. Have that “keeping it real” conversation all over again by going to the Make Green Go Green homework and APD on our website. This time, MEAN it.

Convention 2015 is only 339 days away. Paulette suggests using a contest or a game to make it fun for your people to commit themselves, NOW. All of the Delivering Wellness webinar info with Paulette and Cisco is all right here on the blogspot for you. Sign in and succeed. Do what it takes.
Click here to download…

Monday, June 2, 2014

Get A Boost Out Of A Melaleuca Pioneer Guest and A Kick From An MGGG Subscription.

Products are the Business: Paulette relates how the “energy shot” market has grown by leaps and bounds. At Convention, Melaleuca introduced our two new entries, Energy Kick and B-Fuel. Both are offered in 6 bottle pantry packs at an uber-competitive $9.99. Then, she tells you all about them.

Our June incentives are two extensions, but they are anything BUT “leftovers”, they are an exciting “main course” for serious business builders of $1 memberships and a Pacesetter re-set option until June 17th. Use ‘em before you lose ‘em.

We are treated to an exciting special guest in our business development segment, Executive Director V, Wayne Calloway who with his wife Peggy, actually attended Melaleuca’s FIRST Convention in Anaheim, CA. As you would expect of someone with his rich history, Wayne shares some great Melaleuca stories including a “heart-warming” experience about Frank (Vandersloot) and his lesson about the importance of family.

Then, Wayne and Eddie delve into an energizing and informative discussion about makegreengogreen and what a difference it can make, as soon as you send that first “homework lesson” to your new enrollment. “Duplication”, Wayne says, “is why.” Paulette points out that the new “buzzword” in business is SYSTEM and to be SUCCESSFUL, the system better be SIMPLE. Why? Because duplication is the key to success and MGGG makes duplication simple (and it does it over and over again).

Convention is 346 days away. Wayne enrolled 22 new Value Pack Customers in 10 days from his first (and Melaleucca’s first) convention. That’s how exciting it was and he was, he tells us. DW webinar info is posted below, so please join Paulette and Cisco Holland and crank up your 2014. Remember MGGG can give YOUR Melaleuca efforts an instant Energy Kick, too.

Click here to download…